| chapter 10 |

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y/n woke up in the same position she had fallen asleep in. She couldn't tell if Void was awake or not by her position on his chest, but the light ups and downs of his breathing made her think he was awake.

"Morning princess," Void mumbled, his morning voice was raw and deep, which was ten times hotter to y/n.

She smiled up at him, wincing when she tried to pull herself into a sitting position. Her body slightly ached from the events of the night before, and something told her walking wouldn't be the easiest task today.

"Would you like some breakfast my little one? We have a busy day ahead of us so you need your energy," Void asked, tilting her chin so her eyes met his.

y/n furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Busy day? What are you talking about? Where are we going?" She questioned, curiosity filling her barely-awake features.

"I'll tell you after breakfast sweetheart. Now, would you like bacon or eggs?" He asked, completely avoiding her own questions as he lifted y/n off of him and got off the bed.

His topless upper half revealed his prominent v-line to y/n alongside his evenly defined abs. She felt her legs grow weaker than they already were as she studied every feature of what was on display for her.

She was snapped out of her gaze by Void waving his hand across her face. "Anybody in there?" He taunted. "I may have fucked you senseless last night little one but I'm pretty sure you still know how to answer a simple question."

"Bacon," she answered shyly, cheeks blazing furiously in embarrassment.

Void sauntered off and found some bacon that y/n had bought, switching on the ancient cooker and throwing it into a pan.

y/n sat and watched him, patiently waiting for him to tell her what they were supposed to be doing today.

About 10 minutes later her food was cooked and she joined Void at the table, stuffing the goods into her mouth. She sighed as a sign of approval as she chomped greedily on the breakfast.

"So," she started, shoving yet another piece of bacon in her mouth. "What is the plans you were talking about earlier."

Void looked away, as if hesitant to answer, opening and closing his mouth to try find the right words.

"We're going back to Beacon Hills," he finally let out, turning his head immediately so not to catch the impending reaction on y/n's face.

"Wait..what? What are you talking about? I thought the plan was to get as far away from Beacon Hills as possible?" y/n asked.

Void sighed, looking over at y/n. She looked more confused than anything, not that he could blame her.

Most of the time they were there he had been making constant comments about her friends and how they were never returning.

"We're not staying little one, I just thought I would let you grab a few of your clothes, you've been wearing the same for what two or three days, then we're heading off," he explained, analysing the way y/n's facial expressions changed with each word.

"Will I get to see my friends?" She asked hopefully, although part of her was hoping for him to say no. Something about the thought of seeing her pack one final time made her uneasy, especially after last night.

Oh how she wished to feel him pulsing inside her again as he pounded into her with no remorse- no, y/n stop, she thought to herself.

"I'm afraid not little one, we cannot risk them doing something to keep you or to get rid of me," he responded, reaching out to hold her hand, his icy touch sending a shiver down her spine.

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