Fake World [Part 4]

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Yashiro: URRGG!!

Good evening! With a grip strength of 35Kg in my right hand, I am Yashiro!

After saying to Hanako-kun, "Let's run away" We left the roof top together. Now we are outside the school trying to open the gates!

Yashiro: Arrrgggg...It's open...! Hanako-kun, let's go! Hanako-kun?

Amane:...Yashiro-san, are you going outside?

Yashiro: Yeah. Let's go together, Hanako-kun...

Amane: I'm not going. You bought me all the way here but...I...I won't go outside.


Yashiro: Why...

Yashiro: Hanako-kun...do you want to stay here? Or should I say, Amane-kun.

Amane: I want to stay here. Of course I do. Run away? Why? This right now is the most fun I ever had!


Amane: There's nothing good to be found outside. The roads at night are dangerous. It's too bright to see the stars. Let's go back to the others, Yashiro-san, or...do you not like it here?

Yashiro: No...I like it. There's a lot of fun things...But...I...The person I like isn't here. So I have to go.

Amane: That...person you like is the person who looks like me?

Yashiro:...What kind of question is that. You want me to hear say it again...?

Amane: Eh!? That's not what I meant...

Yashiro: Now...just be quiet and come with me!!

Amane: ...Oh well. Fine

Yashiro: You'll come with me!?

Amane: Well...if you go alone, it'll be dangerous...

Yashiro: Hoorah! Thank you, Hanako-kun!

Amane: Sure, sure...

Yashiro: Okay then! Let's go find the end of this world!

Amane: Huh!? Go where!?

Yashiro: Don't worry about it~ The night is young.

Amane paused for a while when he is about to step out of the gate.

Yashiro: Hanako-kun?

Amane: Ah...no. It's nothing.

Yashiro: Let's hurry up!

And their adventure begin... First they went biking down the streets. Then they were about to ride a bus, but the driver turns into Shijima and scared the hell out of Yashiro.

She pulled Amane along with her and decided to ride a taxi and the driver turn into Shijima...again. They run and run until they reached a park.

Amane: Hehe.

He open his drink and start drinking.

Yashiro: What do we do, Hanako-kun...Anywhere we go, that girl is there. In that case, there's nowhere we can go...

Amane: What girl?

Yashiro: You saw her, didn't you, Hanako-kun? The driver on the bus and the taxi. All the people on the street have her face too...

Amane: Not really. They all seemed normal...

Yashiro: Huh...

Amane: I don't really get what you're saying but...for one thing. Today was really a good day, so don't you think it would be good if tomorrow just didn't come? I'm here. I wish time would just stop. Just as I thought. Here...we can't see the stars...Should we head back?

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