Chapter Ten

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I see my old house, Im in the dining room sitting at our square table for four. My father is sitting in front of me, my mom to my left, and Uncle Remus to my right. On the table is a turkey and many other Thanksgiving foods. We were all smiling happily, my mom placed a plate full of food in front of me. I was only two around this time. My father starts to talk to me but I cant hear what he is saying, he continues talking as the three of them fix their plates.

A smile forms on my face.

Then suddenly I see my mom sitting on the foot of my bed, her face is stained with tears. She starts talking, but again I cant hear her but I know exactly what's being said, Ive already lived through this. She starts crying as she talks, moving closer to me, hugging me.

Frowning my face twists into pain.

Two Death Eaters stand behind me on either side, every time I try to change to my animagus form one of them mutters a spell and a searing pain shoots through my body. It feels as if my insides are being ripped apart, the only noise that fills the room is my mothers sobs, the death eaters muttering spells, and my screams of agony.

I stir, whimpering.

WARNING: Minor Gore!!!!

My mom is facing me, she is being held back from me by the biggest death eater. Her wand has been broken in two, thrown across the room somewhere unknown. The death eater holding my mother back wraps an arm around her waist and yanks her head to the side by her hair, exposing her neck. My mom stops sobbing, and whispers I love you. Its all in slow motion now, the death eater bites down onto her neck ripping a chunk out, blood goes everywhere, I scream.

End of gore.

I jolt up, a thin layer of cold sweat dampens my forehead. As I sit up I get a severe pain in my head, I place both of my hands on my forehead squeezing it in hopes it might ease the pain. I look around, Im in my dorm? What in the world? How did I get here? The room was empty, the girls I shared a room with were gone, their beds were already made. Of course none of them had the decency to wake me. Ignoring the pounding in my head I get up, Im in my pajamas which are basically just some black yoga pants and a simple green long-sleeve that hugs my curves, it stops around my hips.

I look over to the grandfather clock that is placed on the left side of the room, breakfast started about thirty minutes ago. Pushing through the pain that has settled behind my eyes, I rush to the bathroom basically throwing on my robes, I look into the mirror, the tear stains are really noticeable, I wash my face with hot water in hopes itll help. I stare at myself for a moment, the memories from last night come flooding back, my eyes start to turn a dark crimson. I grip the sides of the counter. I shake my head.

Pull it together, you cant let him see he had an effect on you, itll only fuel his ego. Who are you kidding? You basically ran out of the Great Hall and disappeared. Everyone knows he had an effect on you idiot. I say to myself

I pull my H/C hair up into a simple braided style. To some, it may seem like it would take some time to do this hair style, for me it takes a couple minutes. My mom taught me when I was eight, now I could probably do it without looking in the mirror.

 My mom taught me when I was eight, now I could probably do it without looking in the mirror

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I ended up going to Madam Pompfrey to get something for this migraine instead of heading to breakfast. My first class of the day is potions, I continue to walk down the hall heading to class. Just as Im about to open the door to the laboratory Im grabbed by the wrist and pulled into another direction by someone unknown.

This person is practically dragging me behind them down the hall, as Im about to give this person a swift kick where the sun doesn't shine, I sigh when I see the familiar red hair.

Fred what are you doing? I ask as we stop in the middle of an empty hallway, and I lean against the wall. You werent at breakfast. Are you ok? Fred asks, completely ignoring my question. Yeah, Im fine. Y/N stop lying to me. Im not lying. I really am fine. No youre not! Ive known since we were little, you may be able to fool everyone else but not me! He says, raising his voice a bit.

Fred, can we do this later please. Ive got to get to class. I say, trying to avoid this subject altogether. Stop avoiding this! Youve been keeping secrets from me and lying to me ever since the school year started! Just tell me whats going on with you! Fred yells, slamming his against the wall beside my face. I flinch, Look, Im sorry, but please just tell me. Im trying to help you get through whatever this is. I hate seeing you hurt. Fred lowers his voice, at this point my eyes have started watering,

I I cant. I whisper, tears threatening to come down, he sighs. Of course you cant. He walks off.

I slide down the wall covering my face as I silently cry into my hands. What is wrong with me? Why cant I do anything right?


I walk into Potion class at least fifteen minutes late, all heads turn to me. Miss.L/N, youre late. Professor Snape states plainly, Thanks Captain Obvious, I had no idea. I reply as I take a seat, the class snickers at my name calling. Miss.L/N I do not appreciate your disrespect. You better have a valid reason why you're late. Look Professor, Im not in a very caring mood today so can we just skip through your bashing and get on with my punishment. I say rolling my eyes. Fine then, twenty points from Slytherin, and three days of detention.

My housemates give me dirty looks as Snape continues on with his lesson. I sigh, Today is going to be a long day.

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