Chapter One

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I’m sitting between Fred and George at the kitchen table during breakfast as they bicker back and forth about something todo with Quidditch, to be honest I stopped listening to them not even halfway through their conversation. The Weasleys and I had just gotten back from our trip to Egypt last night and boy am I glad to be home, don’t get me wrong the trip was astonishing and I loved it...but you begin to miss your own bed. We’re going to go to Diagon Alley to get some stuff for school today, after we all get dressed and I get some caffeine in my body.

 I take a sip of my black coffee, my eyes wander across the table to Mr.Weasley holding today's newspaper. I look at the opposite side of the newspaper he’s not looking at and it feels as if my heart dropped to my feet and my stomach was doing flips. Not the type of flips that you get when you see your crush or when you get excited, I felt like I was going to throw up. 

“Y/N who do you agree with...Me or- oh are you ok? You’re very pale.” Fred asks, very concerned.

Now this get’s everyone else’s attention and now they're all staring at me with concerned faces, I keep staring at the back of the newspaper. 

“Y/N, honey are you alright?” Molly asked me, frowning, 

“I’m gonna be sick.”  that’s all I can manage to say before frantically getting up out of my seat, spilling a tiny bit of coffee in the process, bolting to the bathroom.

 Molly follows close behind and so do the twins. Arthur looks at the back of the newspaper to see what I was staring at, and when he does he realizes why I ran out of the room.


“Shhh it’s ok honey.” Molly says sweetly, 

she rubs my back in a circle with one hand and holds my hair back with the other while I lean over the toilet puking my guts out. Once I’m done I sit up grabbing some toilet paper to wipe my mouth with and flushing the toilet, 

“I’ll go get you a glass of water. You stay here, I’ll be right back.” Molly says as she gets up going out the bathroom door and shutting it back.

 As I wipe my mouth I can faintly hear Molly talking to the twins, “Is she ok?” Fred and George ask in sync “We heard her puking in there.” George states, 

“She’s ok….just wait for her to come out ok.” Molly replies before opening the door to come in and closing it back.

 “Here you go darling….come to me when you get done in here. I’ll be in the family room with some crackers and medicine for your stomach.” 

“Ok, thanks Molly.” I replied, my voice hoarse, 

“No problem darling.” Molly says with a small smile and walks out of the bathroom closing the door behind her again.

I take a sip of my glass of water, I gargle it and then I spit it out in the sink, I repeat that process a couple of times before brushing my teeth to get the disgusting taste from my mouth. I pour out the remaining water that’s in the glass and fill it up with some fresh cold water, taking a couple big gulps. The water seems to sooth my throat well, I splash my face with cold water and grab a towel to dry it with. I grab a hold of the sides of the counter thinking about what I saw on the newspaper, I start to breathe heavily and the iris of my eye's turns from Y/E/C to a glowing blood red color.


When I make my way into the living room everyone is in their everyday clothes, sitting somewhere or occupied with something.

“Oh Y/N, here take this, it should help, and here are some crackers to eat.” Molly said, handing me a baggy of crackers and a small vial of something light pink. The potion is like nothing like I’ve ever seen before it smelled terrible and it had a faint scent of ‘Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum’.

“What kind of potion is it?” I ask cringing at the smell, 

“Oh dear, it’s not a potion. It’s a muggle medicine called ‘Pepto Bismol’.” Molly replies

I mentally facepalm myself, I should’ve known this wasn’t a potion just by how it looked and smelt...well I don’t know there are some potions out there similar to this (probably not for the same use but you get it). I gulp a big gulp of the liquid, emptying the vial as I plop down on the couch in between Fred and George. As soon as the medicine touches my tongue swallow it gagging as it goes down.  I quickly grab Georges pumpkin juice from his hand and take a huge swig of it, in fear I might throw the disgusting pink liquid back up just from the taste. 

“Hey!” George says as I down the rest his drink, “That was mine!” 

I wipe my mouth and smile at him,

“Do you want it back?” I ask, my voice filled with playfulness as I pretend to almost throw up back in his cup.

George scrunches his nose up in disgust, and Fred laughs at us.

“No...I don’t think I do. You can keep it.” George replies.

There’s a couple seconds of silence before Fred breaks it,

“Are you ok? We heard you spilling your guts out in there.” Fred asks, getting serious all of a sudden.

Ginny, who is listening to our conversation, cringes when Fred says the part about ‘spilling my guts out’.

“Oh uh, yeah. Too much coffee, not enough food I guess?” I say a little unsure, not wanting to get into a big conversation about it.

Arthur and Molly are the only ones who know the real reason I got sick....they know my fears.

Fred only hums in response, not really believing my excuse, he doesn’t say anything else about it though.

“Alright up, up.” Molly says usuring me out of the room, “Go get ready we should be leaving soon.”

I rush up to my room I currently share with the twins, I open up the room and close it behind me. Fred and George are my best friends, they have been since I was five and they were six. I did have my own room but every night I would sneak into their room and we would hang out all night and sometimes I would pass out on the floor instead of going back to my room, so Molly moved me in with them. I moved in with the Weasleys a month before my first year at Hogwarts, after my mother died.  I go through my dresser trying to find something comfortable and warm, since it’s starting to get a little chilly this time of the year. I hear a knock on the door,

“Come in.” I speak a little louder than my inside voice so whoever was at the door could hear me.

Fred open’s the door and closes it behind him, I lean against Fred and George’s bunk bed staring at him waiting for him to talk. 

“Hey I just wanted to make sure you were ok. You seemed a little unsure when you told me downstairs.” He says with a concerned look, looking into my eyes.

“Oh yeah, I’m good.” “Promise?” ”I Promise. “ I replied, putting on my best fake smile.

He seems content with my answer and doesn’t ask me about it anymore. We stare into each other's eyes for a couple minutes. Noticing how long we’ve been standing there, I turn a bright red and clear my throat,

“Ok mr out, out. I’ve got to get dressed.” I say attempting to hide my blush.

“Oh yeah, right.” Fred replies snapping out of his little daze and walking out the door shutting it behind him. 

Once he’s out the door I sigh and my smile drops, I hate lying to him and George. The three of us made a pact when I was eight and they were nine that we would never lie to each other or break a promise.

1392 words
-Sooo..... first chapter. What do you guys think so far?

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