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Authors notes-
(1). I just wanted to say thank you to those that are reading this, also I will post all long authors note on here so I don't make a whole chapter just for the A/Ns. If I do post a Authors Note on a chapter with the actual story they will be in bold and not extremely. I love comments so feel free to comment, but pls no hate if you don't like the way I write the story you don't need to announce it just leave ok. Btw I do not tolerate online bullying, if there is anyone being rude or hateful to anyone on my story in the comments or any of my future storys, you will be reported and blocked. Another thing, I know my grammar and spelling is terrible so just let me know in the comments if something doesn't make sense and I will try my best to explain it to you and correct the story. Thank you to everyone who actually read this first a/n <3 The first chapter of the actual story will be posted soon I hope.

(2). The years will be in parts, for example the story is starting in 'The Prisoner of Azkaban' so I will so each movie will be labeled part one, part two, and so on.

(3). Thank you guys so much 100 reads!

(1). I came up with with the title my self.

(2). I do not own any of the characters in this story they all belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling, but I do own your character and John (first year on the train)

(3). All of the image inserts on this story I do not own, they all came from google

(4). @Mr-Riddles-Darling made the old book cover and the new book cover.

The Light in My Darkness| Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now