Chapter Six

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I walk up and open the entrance to see Fred in his robes with his hands in his pockets looking at his feet as he kicks the ground.

"Hey what's up? You're gonna be in deep trouble if Filch catches you out this late." I whisper, closing the entrance behind me as I walk out.

Fred looks up at me with a goofy grin, "When have you known me to ever get caught?" he asks,whispering.

I can't help but notice how adorable he looks in the moonlight shining through the small window (one of the only windows in the dungeon). Stop Y/N! He's not adorable, he's your best friend. You're just tired. Yeah that's it you're tired.

I pulled myself together and answered him, "Well, there was that one time in your second year when you sleep walked all the way to McGonagall's room and she caught you sleeping on her floor in the morning." "That doesn't count as sneaking around! And you promised not to bring that up!" He whispered at me.

I giggle, Fred gives me a surprised look. "What?" I ask smiling,

"You do giggle!" Fred exclaims "Do not!" "Do to!" "Prove it." I say putting my arms around my chest. "You just giggled." "Did not." "Did to." "Nuh uh" "I just saw you." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "How do you know? This could all just be a dream." I say moving my hands around in weird movements with my fingers spread.

"Y/N L/N, you are something special." Fred says chuckling a little, I feel heat come to my cheeks and my stomach get's butterflies. Weird. That's never happened before.

He keeps looking at me with a look in his eye, I can't decipher what it is though. I stand there awkwardly contemplating on what to say next.

I clear my throat, ", did you need something?" I ask, "Right, George and I are having our little traditional sleepover in our dorm room tonight."

"You could've told me that you were having it tonight. I could've been over there earlier instead of having to sneak around." I say

"Yeah well there's no fun in that, besides I've come to invite John as well as escort you. I like the kid, and so does everyone else." "I like him too, he's pretty cool... for a first year. I'm gonna go see if he'll join us." I say and then go back into the common room.

"Hey, what took you so long?" John asks as I make my way towards the couch we were sitting on before Fred came.

"Angelina, Lee, the twins, and I have a sleepover on the first week of each school year, it's tradition. Fred has come by to get me, would you like to join us?"

"I wouldn't want to intrude on your tradition, besides I'm pretty sure you don't want to hang out with a first year." he says wearily,

"Listen mate, you wouldn't be intruding because we all want you to come. If we didn't want you to come, I would not have come back here to ask you. And as for you being a first year you're more mature than the twins and most fourth and fifth years I hang out with. So get off your rump and come on." I say sternly with a smile.

John laughs at the last part, "Ok I'm coming, but first let me get a change of clothes and stuff." he says as he's about to start heading up the stairs to the boy's dorm.

"No need for that." I say and drag him by his arm out the entrance.

612 words

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