Chapter Two

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I walk downstairs with my day clothes and my hair done, I have a simple green sweater, black leggings, some boots, a green and gray scarf, my mom's old watch, a beanie that matched my sweater, and I left my hair down, I kinda just went with something comfortable for the train ride. (minus the bag)

"Do you have everything?" Moly asks,

I simply nod and we head to the fireplace and use floo powder to apparate to 'Diagon Alley'. Molly has me go first so I step into the large fireplace and grab a handful of floo powder. The fireplace has a thin layer of dust on it almost making me sneeze, the floo powder and some coal from last night is still in there, it was Ron's turn to clean the fireplace last night but it was so late he probably forgot about it.

"Diagon Alley" I say as I drop the floo powder.


We have finished shopping for our school stuff, Ron had gone to the 'Leaky Cauldron' after he had gotten a new wand to see Harry, I still don't know how he knew he was there. The Weasley's and I walk into the 'Leaky Cauldron' to find Ron bragging to Harry and Hermione about our trip to Egypt. I look around the room spotting lots of wanted posters of Sirius Black, I start to feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach, but then George speaks up making me snap out of it.

"Not flashing that clipping about again, are you, Ron? George says referring to the newspaper in front of him with the picture of us in Egypt.

"I haven't shown anyone!"

"No, not a soul." I say sarcastically
Fred: "Unless you count Tom."
George: "The day maid."
Fred: "The night maid."
George: "The cook."
"The bloke that came to fix the toilet. Oh and that wizard from Belgium..." I finish as the twins and I go to the other side of the table to sit.

Hermione walks around the table to me after greeting Molly and Arthur, she gives a side hug so we don't crush Crookshanks.

"Hey! How was your trip?" she asks,

"It was fun, but I missed you and Harry while we were away. Oh and by the way, I'm so sorry I didn't write to you, I had made Draven <|name meaning 'One who emerges from the shadows') mad and he wouldn't send any of my letters" I reply referring to my owl.

 Oh and by the way, I'm so sorry I didn't write to you, I had made Draven <|name meaning 'One who emerges from the shadows') mad and he wouldn't send any of my letters" I reply referring to my owl

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"What did you do to that poor baby this time?" Hermione asks in a fake stern tone with a smile on her face.

"I took too long trying to get a treat out of a bag for him so he squawked and bit me, not hard enough to draw blood but you get it. After I gave him that last treat I refused to give him anymore till we got home, and that's why he wouldn't send any of my letters"

"Oh dear...that bird is something." she says laughing,

"Yeah he is, I think I spoiled him too much." I pause "Anyways how was your summer?"

"It was good, my parents and I stayed home and hung out some. Kinda boring actually." Hermione replies plainly as she set's Crookshanks down on the table as we walk a couple feet from the table to talk more.

"Well it could be worse." I say to reassure her, "True"

We look over to Crookshanks who is all over Fred, rubbing up against him and puring as Fred pet's him while talking to George. I quietly giggled at the scene in front of me. Hermione looks up at me surprised with a playful smile on her face.

"Did you, Y/N L/N just giggle?!?" she asks a little too loud for my liking,

"No! Keep your voice down." I say to her, "Oh. my gosh! You did!" she exclaims.

"Did what?" asks joining the conversation, "Nothing." I say quickly as my cheeks turn red.

"She giggled." Hermione says a little too cheerfully, "You giggle?" George asks, also joining the conversation.

"Who giggled?" Ron asks, to be honest I forgot he was there, "Noone." I say

"Y/N did." Fred steps in smirking, "No I didn't" I say swiftly as my cheeks turn a brighter red.

"You didn't, what?" Molly asks, "Huh, what happened? Arthur asks, walking towards the table with Harry behind him.

"Crap." I mutter, I don't think my cheeks could've gotten any redder.

753 words
-Originally the first three chapters was only gonna be one chapter but then I saw how long it would on Wattpad right after I pasted it from Docs so yeah....

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