Chapter Three

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All of us are on the train to Hogwarts now, Fred, George and I share a compartment with Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson, and some first year Angelina invited to sit with us. By this time we were all changed into our robes. Angelina, Lee, and I were some of the few that could tell the twins apart. I sat in between Fred and George (like always) in one seat while Angelina, Lee, and the first year who I found out is named John Carden, is in the other. John apparently moved here from America not too long ago, he says his parents went to Hogwarts when they were his age but after they finished school they moved to America. They wanted him to go to Hogwarts as well, and they really didn't like any of the wizarding schools in America.

Angelina and I are sitting across from each other talking mostly about random stuff, and the boys are talking to John about quidditch. Apparently he doesn't like to play against people for competitions and school, but wouldn't mind playing it for fun with friends. I like the kid, he's smart but he's not an know it all if you know what I mean. He definitely likes quidditch of course. John is not rude or a brat, though when the guys tease (in a friendly way) he's quick with a good comeback. He kinda has a little bit of traits from each house, but he has more 'Slytherin' traits than the others. I'm pretty sure he'll be put in Slytherin, but that just means that I'll have a friend in my house.

I stopped listening to guys conversation and focused more on my conversation with Angelina, but all of a sudden something John asked caught everyone's attention.

"Who's Sirius Black? I saw the wanted posters and asked my parents, but they told me not to worry about it ."

Hearing John mention Black made my stomach feel sick again, as all of them were telling John about him my ears started to ring and I felt like I was going to barf right then and there. They stopped ringing when I heard Angelina call my name,

"Y/N. Hey Y/N are you ok?" she asked, "Your eyes went red."

All of my friends knew that when my eyes go red I'm feeling an emotion or way that's usually displeasurable, it mostly happens when I'm mad though. Noone knew why they turned red except the Weasleys and I plan to keep it that way. Apparently I had caught everyone's attention when I had my few second episode or whatever you want to call it because they all were staring at me with concern, well John was freaked out but didn't say anything about it.

"Yep, I'm good just motion sickness I guess." I say clutching my stomach.

Fred and George look at me with confused faces knowing darn well I don't get motion sickness, but the other three nod their heads and continue their conversation. I shrug my shoulder at them and listen to the conversation knowing that I'm going to be basically interrogated by them when we get to school.

After a couple of minutes of listening to their conversation, the train suddenly stops. We all look around confused,

"What's going? Why did we stop?" John asks frantically with a hint of fear in his voice.

"I don't know." Angelina replies nervously, "This has never happened before." George adds.

I open up the compartment curiously and poke my head only to see all the other students do the same. All the lamps and light go out on by one, immediately after all the light go out the train shakes causing me to fall back in between Fred and George, and the door to slam shut

"Guys what is moving outside!?" Lee who is sitting by the window on his side asks, panicking a little as the train window starts to freeze over.

"All I see is a shadow, but I can't make out what it is." Fred says more confused than frightened.

"I think something is coming on the train." John who is now terrified says barely over a whisper.

We all see a tall figure in what I think is a cloak, stop at our compartment and reach for the door.

"What is that." Angelina whispers, now just as terrified as John. "Dementors." I whisper to myself right before it slams open the door to our compartment. Right when it does I yell... "Don't look at it!" (like that would help but hey it's worth a shot).

Me being me I don't turn away in time and now I'm frozen in fear, my eyes turn a deep blood red. It stares right at me, I feel as if I'm being drained, it's like I'm being suffocated. Suddenly my hearing is muffled and I start to see the night I saw my mom died, and the day she told me my father wasn't coming home, and feel like I did on those days.

I heard a muffled scream that seemed to come from Angelina, and I saw and heard Fred yell for help but he sounded so far away. Then I saw Fred and George get in front of me, they were saying something but I could hear them. My vision started to get blurry, at the corner of my eye I could sort of see a man come behind the dementor but I couldn't make out any features. All of a sudden there was a bright light and everything went black.

930 words
-The End, You died from a Dementor.
I'm only joking. I'm sorry. Please continue to read this.

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