Chapter one★

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Andre the owner of 'ANDRE'S ORPHANAGE HOME AND CARE',sat double mindedly in her office, still pondering on wether to call in Alessia to her office for a talk or just letting her go with her new family.

She was set to leave the next day with her new family who would come pick up. Andre still couldn't understand why Mr and Mrs Jobs wanted to adopt a child when they confirmed they had two kids already, who they'd stated were all grown up.

She shook the thought off of her mind as she decided to invite Alessia in for a talk, she couldn't afford to get another complaint from this family, she was obviously tired of Alessia leaving and returning over and over again.

She picked up her telephone and dialed a number.

"Bring her in." She ordered, to the other end of the line and placed the phone down afterwards.

The door knob twisted open, revealing Alessia, who walked in.

Her beautiful white skin fitted perfectly with her blue trousers which she matched with a white tanked top. Her hair was set in a messy bun, her lips pursed and her Right hand cuddling her peach teddy bear, as usual.

"Have a seat Alessia." Andre motioned to a seat. She sat down reluctantly.

"We have to talk dear. Is that okay?." She asked calmly, getting nothing but just a stare from Alessia.

"Well I'll take that as a no, but that doesn't mean i won't talk." She gave a small smile and started.

" Picking you up from that dirty rug, taking you out of those dirty cloths and bringing you here with me, away from that horrible place were you were dumped was one of the best day of my life. You were just five, so little but yet so cute and lovely. I'd never forget how those brown beautiful eyes watched the other kids played and sang their rhymes." She paused giving a sad sigh.

" Too bad those lovely lips never moved to join them. Remember when i got that Teddy for you? And told you it's name was Nelly? I did that to make a bund, to make our relationship grow stronger. Alessia i did that cause I really wanted you to be open, I wanted communication, and what I got in return was silence. You've always been silent, you've never said a word." She paused, fighting with the thoughts of shoving Alessia hard to at least get a word from her. She looked away.

"You'll be living with Mr and Mrs Job tomorrow. This is like one of those times when you leave to experience what it means to have a family and unlike the rest times, this is gonna be the last family coming to adopt you. Don't mess this up Alessia. If you think those dates are gonna be wide open for your return, then you're wrong ." Andre said, giving a heavy sigh as she looked away somewhat sadly.

"Goodbye Alessia, goodbye forever."

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