Chapter four★

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"Hey wake up!." "Wake up you bitch!!." A voice barked at Alessia as she struggled to open her eyes, they flinged open and tried adjusting to the bright light. The pain coming from her head was so excruciating, she winced.

"Open your eyes!." A voice barked rudely as she felt a hard slap hit the back of her aching head, she yelped silently in pain. Her eyes opened wider as she looked around her environment trying to figure out if it was a nightmare or not. They were in an hall.

She saw Mr and Mrs Job, who stood steps away with a evil looking old man, maybe in his late 50's. She turned to her corner seeing the guy who had hit her on the head, he looked terribly ugly, but not as old as the other guy. They both looked evil.

She looked over to Mr and Mrs Job who had smirks plastered on their faces as they lended the old guy a grey envelope, which he took with a lengthy smile.

Fear gripped her as he made towards her direction.

"Pick her up!." He ordered the other guy who obeyed immediately, picking Alessia up of her feet aggressively.

"Tie her up and stuff her mouth." Mr Job said with a frown, his wife just folded her arms watching.

"Is there any need?. I mean she hardly even says a word you know. " She added.

" You heard him. Tie her up and gag her mouth. " He said walking out. 

The other guy did as he was told, tying her hands together and her legs and also stuffing her mouth with a gag. She looked at up at everyone not believing what was happening. Was this really happening? Was she being kidnapped? Why would anyone want to kidnap her?.

He picked her up, tossing her carelessly over his shoulder as they all walked out of the hall.

"Her luggages are in the car. Take her in and make sure you sit next to her, I don't want her making any smart moves." The old guy barked as the guy carrying her nodded in obedience, he made for the car, opening the back seat and dropping her carefully to her own suprise.

"Take her safely to Anabel and oh keeping her teddy next to her kind of calms her down." She'd heard Mrs Job saying as the old man muttered an
"alright ma'am ".

She heard footsteps fading off and she supposed it was Mr and Mrs Job taking their leave, which was true.

The old man hopped in, taking the wheel as the engine roared to life, leaving Alessia in despair, at what her fate would possibly be now..................


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