Chapter five★

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The car finally came to an halt after a ride that felt like a life time. It was passed noon, Alessia could tell they'd gotten to their destination when the old man instructed the other guy to untie her and take off the gag, which he did almost immediately. The old man hopped down.

"Hey look at me!." The ugly guy said grabbing Alessia's chin up to look at him.

"You sure are a beautiful little girl you know, but you see this?. " He brought out a pocket knife from his left pocket to Alessia's dismay. " If you think of acting smart or trying to run off when you hop down, I'll slit your throat and dump your body for my vultures to devour. " he whispered evily, causing Alessia to stifle a gag due to the odour coming from his mouth.

"Now hold on to your teddy and hop on down." He ordered as she hopped down.

She almost gasped at the sight of the mansion she sighted. It was beautiful, big and luxurious. The walls surrounding it was twice as taller than that back at the orphanage home. The gates were so mighty, she feared it would result to an Earthquake if it happened to fall.

She had been adopted countless times before, she had been to poor family backgrounds, middle classed too but maybe this wasn't any of those. Maybe this was royalty, maybe it was owned by a royal family. She stood for a whole minute cuddling Nelly and pondering on wether to be annoyed or happy about her whole situation.

"Move!". She heard a yell from behind as her heart skipped a bit and she began to move. Getting closer to the gate she slowed down as she finally got in front if it. Her fingers played with the well designed irons.

"Looks like she has never seen a gate before." She heard the young man mock from behind as they drew closer.

" So what now? ". The old man asked no one in particular as he held his waist, his expression looking like he was confused.

"We take her in." The other guy said with a shrug. The old man smacked his head in annoyance. "I know. But how?!."

"Oh. How?." The other guy hitched his head. They both stood in front of the gate in confusion.
The loud sound of the gate opening made them jump both in fear , Alessia stood in curiosity, mesmerized at the sight of the beautiful building.

"Who are you?!." A hefty looking bodyguard or rather bouncer asked with urgency as the old man looked up at him in confusion.

"Let them in. I suppose they are here with the girl." A young handsome guy said walking towards them.

" Yes yes, we're here with the girl."  the old man said quickly.

" Is this the girl?." He asked taking a quick glance at Alessia and back to the man.

" Yes she is. Mr Job ordered me to lend you this when we arrive." The old man passed him a small note.

He looked down into it and back up at Alessia.

"Alessia. Her name's Alessia." He said, making Alessia smile inwardly, she admired the way he pronounced her name.

"Take her in Helen." He told a maid who Alessia supposed just appeared, cause she wasn't sure she'd seen her standing behind him the whole time.

"Take her luggages out of the car and you take them up afterwards." He added speaking to the old man and the hefty bodyguard.

She quietly followed the Maid who flashed a polite smile. Everything felt so new to her.

" Am I supposed to be happy about this?." She wondered, feeling a spark of curiosity within her as she bit her lower lips nervously.

She looked back taking a look at the old man and another at the other guy, she wasn't going to forget their miserable faces.

The other guy stared at her with an evil smirk displaying on his face, she felt the urge to stick her tongue out at him, but shook it off. He gave her a nasty look and in return she mouthed a 'fuck you' which she was sure left him astonished.

She walked into the beautiful mansion with the maid, gasping inwardly at it's beauty..........

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