Raina's P.O.V

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Short chapter cuz I was out of ideas...


"Seriously Heath?!" I yell at him. "Can't you pay more attention in class?"

"But history is sooooooo boring." He whines. I roll my eyes.

"You have to pay attention! Do you want to go back to RA?" I snap.


"Exactly!" We begin to walk. I see Sky walking...alone? Doesn't she usually walk with Jax? What is up with that? Hmmmm...

"Hey, Sky," I walk up to her.

"Hey," she mumbles. She's clearly not in the mood for talking.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I am." She walks away. Wow....Something is definitely wrong.

Crossed-An FTRS/RAR crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now