Jocelyn's POV Time Passes...

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"Good afternoon class," Professor Sebastian says to me, Gilly, Jack, AG, Ollie, Kayla, and Maxine. Professor Sebastian looks around the classroom. "Has anybody seen Jax?" he asks. "No sir!" we all say. Well, everybody except Ollie. Sebastian notices this and asks "What about you Ollie?"

"N- N- N-," Ollie stammers.

"N- N- N-?" Sebastian repeats. There is silence for a while. You could literally hear my sister Harlow making potions in the potion lab on the floor below.

"No," Ollie finally says.

"Ok we will have to start without Jax then," Sebastian sighs. "He never sent me a note about being late," he mumbles to himself. Suddenly the classroom doors burst open and in comes exasperated Prince Jaxon. "We were about to start class," Sebastian explains. "Go to your desk and this time, no passing notes with the students!" Sebastian roars.

"Yes sir!" Jax says.

"Good," Sebastian exclaims. "Today I want to talk to you about how nothing in life is free," Sebastian begins. Jax raises his hand. "Yes Jax?" Sebastian asks.

"Life is free!" Jax explaines.

"True," Sebastian agrees. Ollie raises his hand. "Yes Ollie?" Sebastian asks.

"Adventure is free!" Ollie exclaimes.

"True," Sebastian agrees. AG raises her hand. "Yes Allison Grace?" Sebastian asks, sounding exhausted. AG rolls her eyes, She doesn't like being called Allison Grace. That is why Gilly nicknamed her AG."Knowledge is free!" AG explaines.

"True," Sebastian says. "I am getting exhausted from all the stuff you are telling me!"

Kayla raises her hand. "Yes Kayla?" Sebastian asks, weakly.

"Drink some coffee!" Kayla nods over to me trying to tell me to conjure up some coffee and hand it to him. I hand him a cup of coffee. "Why should I drink coffee?" Sebastian asks.

"Because more espresso less depresso!" Kayla replies. The class laughs. Sebastian groans but drinks the coffee anyway. Gilly and I raise our hands. "Yes Jocelyn and Gillian?" Sebastian asks.

"Everything in life is free if you don't pay for it!" Gilly and I exclaim.

"That is true but if you don't pay that is called stealing or thievery and that is the opposite of what this class is about," Sebastian replies. "RING RING RING RING!" chimes the bell that signals the end of class. Everybody jumps from their desk and leaves before Sebastian gives out the homework. Poor Sebastian. He has to deal with a bunch of "reformed" students.

A/N: I hoped you liked this part :)

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