Devin's P.O.V Time Passes...

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For the love of Grimm!!!! I missed lunch. I was hoping to get some food for Lily, my bearded dragon. Just great. I see Prue, Sky and.... Jocelyn I think, walking towards me. They have a little bag. "Hello Devin," Jocelyn says.

"Hello Jocelyn!" I reply. Jocelyn hands me the brown bag. "What's inside?" I ask.

"Food for Lily!" Prue says. Prue hands me another bag. "And some food for you!"

They are really good friends. "Well we have to get going," Sky says in a soft tone. She never acts like this. She must have had a fight with Jax! I see Raz coming down the hall. "Hello girls!" Raz greets. Sky runs and hugs her. Raz returns the hug in full force. "What has gotten into you?" Raz asks Sky.

"Nothing. I was just happy to see you. You are so busy with the RLW's that I barely see you!" Sky replies. Raz nods. "I know I am but if you need me you can just come in and tell me," Raz says while stroking Sky's hair. "Anyway have you seen Jax?" Raz asks. Sky looks like she wants to scream. She contains her anger (as usual) and points to the cafeteria. Right at that moment Jax and the crew come out of the cafeteria. Jax is talking but none of them will listen. I notice Gilly is back but is not listening to him too. "Hey Jax!" Raz tries to walk but can't because Sky is still holding on to her. "Skylar," Raz says in a serious tone. "I need to talk to your brother,"

"Fine," Sky lets go and stays where she is. Raz walks over to Jax and begins talking to him. She doesn't look happy. We walk over to Sky. "What do you think she is saying?" I whisper.

"She is telling Jax off," Sky whispers back with a smirk.

"So that hug and sentence meant Jax did something to me?" Jocelyn questions.

"Yep," Sky replies. We watch Jax get yelled at.

A/N: Next chapter has some MAJOR Jilly

Crossed-An FTRS/RAR crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now