Jax's P.O.V

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I hear footsteps as I head to class. Wait what class do I have? I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around. It's Ollie! "Hey, Ollie," I mumble. I turn around and keep going.Ollie steps in front of me. "No you have a lot of explaining to do and plus I can walk with you since we have the same class at the moment," he says. He hands me a piece of paper and I recognize it. It's my schedule. "Thanks dude!" I exclaim. So it looks like I have etiquette class with Madame Cleo. "So what do I have to explain?"I ask.

"About you and your twin," Ollie replies. I purse my lips. How does he know? "How do you know?" I blurt out.

"That Heath kid told me," Ollie says.

"How did Heath know?" I ask.

"Heath said that Sky told him," Ollie replies.

"Sky,Sky,Sky," I rub my temples. Then I remember we have to get to class. I start dashing through the halls. "Slow down Jax!" Ollie gasps for air. I don't slow down. In fact I go faster. Me and Ollie slide through the doors.

I scan the room for a free seat and you don't know who I just saw. It's Sky. Guess what else? The only free seat was next to Sky!

Jeez jeez jeez. This is just what I needed. I go take a seat next to Sky. "Good morning class!" Madame Cleo exclaims.

"Good morning Madame Cleo!" we reply.

"Today we will be practicing our manners!" Madame Cleo explains. "Turn to the person next to you and practice," Fiddlesticks now I have to talk to Sky. Could this day get any worse? I turn around face Sky.

"Hello Jaxon," Sky teases with a smirk on her face. "Long time barely no see,"

"Haha very funny Skylar," I snicker.

"Anyway we have to be practicing," Sky reminds me.

"Ok," I reply. How should I start a conversation? I forgot. "Jax!"

"Huh what?" I look to my sides. Sky giggles. "You dozed off!" Sky fills me in on what I did.

"Oh anyway good morning Ms. Skylar. How are you?" I ask.

"Good morning Mr. Jaxon. I'm fine thank you! How about you?" Sky replies.

"I'm fine! Great to see you could make it with the bad weather. Can I offer you a cup of tea?"

"Yes please! Thank you!" Sky replies.

"Wonderful!" I hear Madame Cleo exclaim since we are the nearest to her tank. "It's good to see both siblings are bonding together!"

"Wait you made sure there was an extra seat next to Sky so we could bond?" I ask. Madame Cleo nods. "Rapunzel told me that you guys weren't getting along well so I put my plan into motion," Madame Cleo explains. Sky purses her lips. RING RING RING! Finally time for the next class! Looks like I have history with Professor Wolfington! "What class do you have next?" I ask Sky.

"I have history with Professor Wolfington," Sky says.

"So do I!" I exclaim.

"So let's go!" Sky giggles and pulls me out of the room. I haven't seen her this happy since we were... five! I am starting to enjoy this!

Crossed-An FTRS/RAR crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now