Devin's P.O.V Time Passes...

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Finally, the bell rings to signal the end of classes. I head up to my dorm room which I share with Raina White (Snow White's sister), Sasha Briarwood (Rose aka Sleeping Beauty's sister), and Skylar (Rapunzel's sister). When I get to our dorm room I see Raina checking her appearance in her vanity mirror, Sasha scribbling furiously on her magic scroll, and Skylar or Sky (we prefer to call her Sky because she says that Skylar is too formal for her.) is pacing in front of her mirror, her dirty blonde hair is tied back in a neat ponytail. How did she have time to take down her big updo in less than a minute? I wonder why she is pacing in front of her mirror?

First I go take off my own updo (which takes forever), then I go see what Sasha is writing about, and go help Raina fix her updo. I walk over to Sky. "Why are you pacing so much in front of the mirror?" I ask.

"I am expecting Jax to call me. We had a big talk this morning and I told him he had to call me after classes," she sighs. Unfortunately, I will be the one to call him. She taps a few things on the screen and then it starts dialing. A few seconds later Jax appears on the screen. He closes his eyes preparing for Sky to scream at him. "Jaxon Porter! What did I tell you earlier today!" she argues.

"That Raz and I had promised we would tell each other everything," Jax says. "Oh hi Devin!" Jax says.

"Hi Jax!" I reply.

"What did you do?" Sky asks, returning to their original conversation.

"How did you know I did something?" Jax asks.

"Your nose always starts twitching when you do something that disappoints others," she points out.

"I got a B on my test for MMC (From Mischief Makers to Modern Citizens) class," he admits.

"Does Raz know?" Sky asks.

"No," Jax admits again.

"She will know now," Sky touches a few things on the mirror and then Raz joins the call. "Hello Sky and Jax!" Raz exclaims. "She looks at Jax's picture and frowns. "What's wrong Jax?" Raz asks.

"Nothing," Jax mumbles.

"Something is wrong because your nose is twitching," Raz says.

"Fine! I got a B on my test for MMC class," Jax admits.

"I'm signing off but I expect Jax to call me after you two finish talking," Sky says and she signs off.

"Sophia!" Sky calls for her lady in waiting.

"Yes miss," Sophia asks.

"I am leaving RA!" Sky says proudly. Raina gasps. "You can't do that!" Raina exclaims. "We are future rulers and we should be learning how to be one," Raina adds.

"What if some of us don't want to be rulers?" I ask.

"True! We can be anything we want to be. We can also be a ruler while being something else!" Sasha agrees. "But where would we go if we leave RA?"

"Maybe FTRS," Sky suggests.

"But people would recognize us," I say.

"They would recognize you but not me!" Sky says. "We can find a way to get you in!" she adds.

"But how?" Sasha asks.

"Let's call Prue!" Sky suggests. 

"But how?" I ask. Sky takes out a small pink compact mirror. I notice it right away. "Isn't that Prue's?" I ask.

"It is but she let me borrow it," Sky says. She taps a few things and Prue's voice fills the room. "Sky is that you?" Prue asks. Sky swipes her finger upward on the small mirror and Prue's image appears on the big mirror that hangs in our room. "Yes we can hear you just fine!" Sky says with a laugh. "Oh good! Sorry there isn't good signal in the village," Prue apologizes.

"No problem!" Sky exclaims. "Anyway, we want to break out of RA," Sky explains.

"Not all of us," Raina mumbles.

"Oh hi Raina, Sasha and Devin!" Prue greets.

"Hi Prue!" We say as if we were on auto pilot.

"Back to our subject," Sky starts. "We were thinking maybe you and Corden could meet us in the village at 3:00 today?" Sky asks.

"Ok! But since you need Corden you need costumes right?" Prue asks.

"Nope we just need you to guide us to FTRS cause we have never been in the village before," Sasha says.

"Ok! Gotta go before Corden snatches something" Prue laughs and hangs up.

"Ok pack your bags we leave now!" Sky demands. She would make a great ruler but alas she doesn't want to be one."Ok let's get going!" Raina exclaims. Everyone looks at her. "What! I wanna have a little adventure!" Raina exclaims again.

"Ok then pack pack pack!" Sky tries again. Everyone scurries to their wardrobes. TODAY WE LEAVE RA FOR GOOD!!! I hope.

A/N: I promise the next chapters will be better... I wrote this a long time ago so....

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