Gilly's P.O.V

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I am still so mad at Jax! He yelled at his own sister. Worst off all, she is younger than him. Anna filled me in on everything Jax did. He is really stubborn now but it was fun to see Raz tell him off. My mind drifts off. Is Sky ok? She is probably with Jocelyn and Prue. But I might check on her just in case. I run up to the dorm rooms. I see Jax coming down at the same time. The two of us make eye contact and wave. Why did I just wave? Isn't he the person I'm mad at? Wait what? "Hey, Thief," I hear Jax say behind me.

"Hey, Jax," I don't turn around.

"Turn around," Jax urges.

"No," I cross my arms.

"Please,Thief ," Jax begs.

"Ugh fine," I turn around. There is Jax waiting for me to turn around. "What do you want," I ask.

"I don't want you to be mad at me, Thief," Jax looks down.

"Who said I was mad at you?" I raise my eyebrows.

"By the look of it you are," Jax looks at me. His violet eyes are filled with sadness. Ooh I just don't like seeing him like that. He's my best friend and I just would do anything for him. "Jax, I'm not," I insist.

"I can tell you are and please forgive me for what I did. I didn't mean it," Jax sighs.

"It's ok, Jax. I forgive you," I say calmly.

"Really?" Jax asks.

"Really," I give him a hug.

"Great! See you later," Jax runs off. I sigh. I've been the worst friend. I've lied about how I feel and... I groan. What can I do to make up for it? What? I hear a sigh but it's not my own. I jump.

"Oh sorry!" Sky's soft voice says.

"It's fine," I settle back down. That's when I notice I'm still on the stairs. "So what are you up to?" I ask.

"Nothing much," she replies. She looks down at her feet. "These shoes hurt," she mumbles.

"You just noticed?" I ask, holding back my giggle.

"No but I never complain about footwear. I don't find it important," she looks back up.

"When it comes to shoes, neither do I," I say.

"Well looks like we have that in common," she shrugs. "Well I better get going,"

"Where?" I ask.

"Raz invited me to join her at an RLW meeting," she says.

"Wait a minute! There is a RLW meeting!" I jump from where I am sitting.

"Yeah!" she answers. "Why?"

"I'll see you later!" I run to my dorm.

"Ok?" Sky says unsurely and walks away.

"No running in the halls, Gillian!" Miri warns. I slow my pace down a teeny tiny bit. I don't ever completely listen to Miri. I'll get detention one way or another. It always happens. And it will eventually. I think. I run into my dorm room. "Hey Gilly!" Anna says. I barely heard her though since I was grabbing my sash and running out. "Bye I guess," she sighs. I feel so bad. I walk back in. "Sorry! I was rushing. I really have to go! Hi! Bye!" I run back out. I walk down the stairs and into the RLW meeting room.

"Hello Gilly!" Raz greets.

"Hello! Sorry if I'm late," I apologize.

"You're actually early!" she exclaims. Me? Early? Wow! I'm never early. Especially to an RLW meeting. I hate these things but I do it anyway. "Well, have a seat!" Raz says. I sit down in one of the chairs. Soon some more RLWs come in. "Hello RLWs!" Raz greets. "Take a seat!" she is very enthusiastic. Probably since Sky is going to be with us. I look around the room. Sky isn't there. There is one more chair left. I keep scanning the room. Ollie isn't here. I raise an eyebrow mentely (XD). But if that's Ollie's chair then where is Sky going to sit? I look at Raz and we make eye contact and I know we are wondering the same thing. Where is Sky? Ollie comes in and takes a seat.

"I guess we can finally begin," Tessa says.

"Not yet," Raz replies. "I invited someone and they aren't here," Suddenly, Sky comes in. She fixes a strand of loose hair. "Am I late?" she asks.

"No! You are right on time!" Raz goes over and hugs Sky. "Everyone, meet my sister Sky,"

"Hello!" Everyone says. Except Tessa and Raza. They aren't used to people that are royal being at an RLW meeting unless it's the leader but yet, AG is an RLW. The next half an hour which mostly feels like an hour is mostly chit chatting.

 A/N: Was that enough Jilly ^.^

Crossed-An FTRS/RAR crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now