Jax's P.O.V

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I promised you a chapter, I give you a chapter :>

Not me regretting my life choices here...Ugh, I seriously hate myself. Well, now I have to get to class or else I'm going to hate myself even more. But even with other things on my mind I can't stop thinking about how much I hurt Sky. I knew she would react like that so why did I do it?? I am sooo dumb. I hate myselfffffffffff.

"JAX HURRY UP!" Ollie yelled.

"Ah!" I yelped. "Fine fine fine fine!" I ran out of the room with him and we went to Madame Cleo's class.

"Ah, almost everyone is here now!" Cleo exclaimed. "Jack won't be here so we can begin," she smiled and everyone began talking with each other while practicing manners. Well everyone but Sky. She was busy thinking and whenever I looked up at her she would look away from me.

After class I decided to walk up to her. "Sky?" I asked.

"Go away, can't you see that I don't want to talk?" She snapped and stormed away. Mission Failed. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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