Trick or treat

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October 31st, 2016 Age: 11

My mom said, "Travis, get up! It's time to get ready for school!"

Mom opened the curtains of my window to let light in, she always does this to wake me up. 

Now that I am eleven years old, my family and I have been living in California for almost a year or so, and I am finally comfortable in LA.

I made friends at school...well only one friend so far, but it's better than nothing.

My dad also purchased dark blue paint to cover the bright pink walls in my room, and we now have furniture.

I put on my Holloween costume because it is Holloween today, and we are allowed to wear our Holloween costumes to school. I'm dressing up as a zombie; I know, I'm so original. After I got dressed like a zombie and went downstairs to have breakfast.

I take a seat next to Julie, but as soon as I do, I realize she isn't dressed up. "Julie, why aren't you dressed in a costume?" 

"Because Stupid, I'm in high school, I'm not going trick or treating," Julie stated emphatically.

"Woah, Julie," I exclaimed as I poured milk into the bowl and added lucky charms. "Are you on your period?"

Julie glared at me. She got up and started punching me, which led to Julie and myself rolling around on the floor fist fighting.

Julie got her period while she was at home, which is when I first learned about periods, and I now like to tease her about it since it's so much fun to annoy my sister.

Dad was just letting us fight while he read the newspaper and drank his coffee, but that was until Mom entered the kitchen.

Mom separated us, and I was grounded for two weeks that day for making fun of Julie for having a period or something. So I rode the bus to school that day since I was officially grounded and my parents didn't want to take me.

On the bus, I sat next to my best friend, Bradley McLawrence, as we avoided the big 8th graders. Bradley, like me, was a zombie. 

I went to my locker to grab my books when I got off the bus. That's when I discovered Bradley and I were the only ones at school dressed in our Holloween costumes.

I was extremely humiliated during the entire day since everyone was taking pictures of us and calling us names. That was the worse day of my life.

When school ended, I started running out of the building as quickly as I could, but I ran into someone. In front of everyone, I fell to the floor. The person I ran into was none other than Everly Parker. Everly Parker is the girl I thought for a ghost, but she isn't.

Everly turns out to be completely blind. That's what my folks told me, at least.

While taking photos and laughing, everyone is staring at me. I gather all of my belongings and leave the school. Because I didn't want to be humiliated any longer, I decided to run home.

"Travis, please wait up!" I hear someone saying.

I turn around to see Bradley following me. I keep walking at a fast pace, not waiting for him to catch up.

Bradley eventually gets up to me and says something. "It wasn't that bad, you know."

I stop walking. " It wasn't That bad? I dressed up like a zombie and ran into my next-door neighbor, who is blind! Bradley, how could you say that it wasn't wasn't bad?!"

Bradley didn't respond to me. Instead, he changed the subject. "Are you going trick-or-treating tonight?"

I let out a sigh. "I'm not sure, dude. For the next two weeks, I'm grounded." 

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