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"have a good first day, audrey. i better not get a call from the school on your first day, okay? love you hun, have fun." my mom smiles at me through her car window.

i fake smile, trying not to worry her too much. she has a lot on her plate lately.

my little brother frankie rolls down his window in the backseat, "bye bye addy!" he waves.

"bye frankie!" i wave back.

my mom warned me this would be the first and most likely last time she'd drop me off at school. she just wanted to see me walk through the doors my first day, soppy parent shit. i'll have to walk form now on.

school has been in session for weeks at this point. we'd only moved here a week ago, my family is still just settling in.

now, i had to actually walk through the doors to the high school. fuck.

the doors were propped open, so i just walked through, and then another set of doors that lead to me to the main office.

"hey i'm new here, i'm supposed to be getting my schedule. this is the main office, right?" i asked a lady at the front desk.

"yes, it is. name?" the lady asked, never making eye contact.

"audrey delmonte. d-e-l-m-o-n-t-e."

i hear the shutter of her noisy ass keyboard before she looks up at me, "ah, yes. junior. i see. okay, i'll print that right out for you, if you don't mind taking a seat for a moment."

"thank you."

"no problem, sweetheart."

the smack of her gum seemed to fit her thick brooklyn accent perfectly.

i sit down on the end of a row of four chairs, leaving a chair between me and this gorgeous strawberry-blonde girl.

"i'm sofia bailey." she turns to me with a welcoming smile.

"audrey delmonte. people call me addy." i return the smile.

"nice to meet you addy. i'm actually part of the national honor society here. i'm meant to show you around."

"oh. sorry you were forced into doing this," i laugh to ease the tension.

"oh, no, i volunteered. i usually don't volunteer to show the new kids around, but you seemed nice from what i was told."

the desk lady interrupted us, "audrey, sweetie, i've got your schedule all nice and printed for ya. some good teachers you've got here!"

"thank you, uh," i check her desk tag, grabbing my schedule, "mrs brown."

"oh, please, call me sylvia, darlin'. you're gonna have a blast with miss bailey over here, okay have a nice day you two."

"you too, sylvia!" sofia says casually and leads me out of the office and through the halls.

"she's sweet." i say.

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