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billie and i are currently lying on my bed.  we just got home from school, the phoebe concert is tomorrow so we decide to have a chill day tonight. i'm curled into her as she plays with my hair.

"you're kinda like a grandma" i say.

she stops playing with my hair and looks at me. "what the fuck does that mean?" she laughs.

"you know. you are super sweet and caring on the inside but are very tough and bitter on the outside."

"i guess that makes sense." she says. "still can't tell if i'm insulted by that though"

"i would never insult you" i kiss her cheek.

billies phone buzzes. she puts it so we both can see. it's finneas.

billie open soundcloud right now

billie looks at me, her expression unreadable.

"what the fuck" billie says.

"listen to your brother!!" i urge her.

she gets all smiley and opens soundcloud on her phone.

"holy fuck" she says.

her profile has 100+ notifications.

she clicks on her profile and scrolls through all the different notifs. so many comments, and even more likes.

all on ocean eyes.

"addy am i dreaming" she looks at me so our noses are touching, and kisses me before sitting up and looking at me enthusiastically.

i've never seen her that smiley ever since i met her.

she looks at her phone again and scrolls through the comments.

"this is fire"


"is this on spotify??"


"your voice is heavenly"

billie speaks again, "addy. people like it. a lot."

"of course they do. how could they not?"

"oh my god" she squeals and falls back again next to me, showing me her screen.

we read every last last comment. i tell her how proud i am of her. she calls finneas and they gush over the many comments on their art. i've never felt more proud of someone before.


the next day was the phoebe bridgers concert.

dylan came over around 12 so we could hang out for a while and start getting ready, billie would show up later.

"i haven't been to a concert in so long i'm so excited" dylan says.

"me either." i say, "not since we moved"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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