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"the fuck? move." i yell at some white kid when he purposely blocks my way.

i may have slight anger issues.

but really that wasn't fucking necessary of him.

the game was almost starting so the lines for food weren't too long.

"hey can i get two waters and, uh, that's it." i ask some too-peppy girl who was helping run the concession stand

"sure thing!" she smiles at me, and i fake a smile back.

she reaches behind the counter to grab the waters and hands them to me.

"enjoy the game! go tigers!" she exclaims.

i walk away quickly with the waters in my hand and make my way up the bleachers where i slide next to addy.

"i need to tell you something" she whispers under her breath.

"what is it?" i say, my brows furrowed at her worried expression.

"alec came over her-"

"alec?! what the hell did he want?!" i whisper-shout.

"i think i may have done something dumb" she says, i see her eyes start to water and her cheeks become red.

"hey, hey, addy, you okay? you need to step out for a second?" i check.

she shakes her head as she gains control of her emotions, "he, uh, he," she stutters as she lowers her voice and leans closer to my ear, "he has the video of us kissing from our media project."

"how did he get that? that's not his camera? w- what does he want? me?"

"he," tears start leaking from her eyes again. "he said he just wanted me to tell him the truth about us, before i knew he had it. and i didn't."

mac nudges addy, grabbing both of our attentions. he points to the big screen on the field.

an angry expression unknowingly grew on my face as i watched to video of addy and i kissing being projected for our entire school to see.

"fuck this." i exclaim, as i sit up, "fuck you alec!" i scream aimlessly as i throw up a middle finger, not even knowing where was seated.

yeah, i was making a huge scene. i didn't give a fuck i was angry as shit.

i grab addys hand, "we're fucking going. i'm done with this bullshit."

i can tell she's in shock, her eyes glued to the screen. i try to get her to look away, i don't know what that would do to help but i just don't want this to hurt her.

i was mainly concerned for addy.

i knew addy wasn't out. to anyone, not her friends here, not her family, i don't even think she was fully out to herself yet.

i hadn't made it explicitly clear that i like girls, but everyone probably assumed by the way i act. i definitely did not try to hide the fact.

i swiftly walk with her into the parking lot, the sun was just beginning to set.

"i'm so so so sorry." addy pleaded, her voice unsteady as her eyes slowly leaked salty tears, "i shouldn't have left the footage on there, i'm sorry."

i open the car door for her, allowing her to curl up in the passenger seat. her face planted in her palms.

i get into the drivers seat, "hey hey, addy."

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