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today was the football game, which isn't too significant but i'm going with addy, which makes it relatively notable.

i've started picking addy up from her house every day, and dropping her off, simply because i love to see her.

alec has been acting like he doesn't know me, which i guess is a good thing? better than him treating me like shit.

addy and i walk into school together once again, her breaking off to go talk to sofia.

out of nowhere i feel a presence next to me, i turn to see alec approaching me. fuck.

"hey billie." he greets me.

"what do you want?" i say tiredly.

"nothing. well actually, i just wanted to say good luck with your little girlfriend. or whatever she is." he says, insincerely.

"huh?" i stare at him blankly, even though i know exactly who he's talking about.

apparently he knew that too, when he said, "you know who." he pauses, "see you in class." he smiles at me, also insincerely.

"see you." he leaves.

addy is turned toward me, with a confused and worried expression on her face. i motion for her to come here.

she approaches me, looking at me for an answer.

"doesn't matter i just know he won't
come near me again with you here."

i grab her hand and pull her near.

"okay." she agrees.

"you're coming to my place after school so we can go to the game together, okay?"

"yeah, okay. but i cant be home too late."

"the party?"

"yeah. i don't know why she thought it was a good idea to plan it so last minute but whatever."

"at least she's happy." i add.

"yeah." there was brief silence.



"hey, addy" mac whisper shouts from his seat.

i have my last period, which is study hall, with mac. we usually talk while we work, but today the teacher got all pissed off at us for 'being too loud'. i'm pretty sure she got her heart broken or some shit cause she's usually pretty nice and doesn't care what we do.

"ads." he repeats himself.

"mac" i turn to him.

"are you going to the game tonight?"

"yeah. am i gonna regret it?" i ask, skeptically.

"not from my experience, games are usually pretty chill here. you going with a sofia, or?"

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