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whenever i'm around addy my guards completely down, involuntary.

i no longer can control the shit i say, i just say it. usually whenever i meet someone i have this wall between us. i don't open up to anyone. i like appearing as a mystery, my life is my life and no one else's.

the only other time i've felt like this was when i first met alec. i liked him, so i got with him. it's been a little over a year. my guard is still down around him but i don't find myself smiling as much as i used to. i cant leave him though.

however, addy made me weak. i couldn't do anything about it. she wasn't even that interesting i don't know why i have this soft spot for her. but i knew i wasn't gonna let it show.

no one ever has the guts to question me or talk back to me, but she does. usually i would hate that, like HATE it. and because i never think about what i'd say when someone questions me, i just tell her "shut up" or "stop asking questions" or "you're pushy" a lot.

i've literally known her for two days and i just hugged her? I DONT FUCKING HUG BITCHES??? what was i thinking?

my thoughts were interrupted when andy's phone starts lighting up.

"you put your phone on silent?" i ask.

"i like it that way. people are annoying." she picks it up, "it's my mom." she states, bringing the phone up to her ear.

i pause the episode of the office we were watching.

"hey." addy says.

i could hear every word on the other end.

her mom sounded mad, "where the fuck are you. you know i let you off easy, audrey. but ditching school on your second day? what the fuck were you thinking? your father would've kicked your ass. you're lucky he's not here to."

she rest her arms on her criss crossed knees, lowering her voice, "you said you wouldn't bring him into shit like this again. frankie better not be around, you're gonna upset him and i'm gonna have to deal with it."

"i just picked him up from school when i got the call. we're in the car now. where are you?"

"don't worry about it i'll be home soon."

"when's soon audr-"

"bye" she hangs up and looks up at me.

"i gotta go."

i could tell her mood completely changed. she was just laughing a few minutes ago.

"you really going back there?" i ask in disbelief.

"yes. you don't know my life, billie. thanks for saving my ass, though." she says coldly.

she throws her backpack over her shoulder walking out of my bedroom. damn.

it was about an hour before i got a call from alec. fuck.

"hey babe." i say.

"yo, ditch without me again and your dead to me."

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