Chapter 62- run?

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Riley's POV;

It's finally day light, I've been up tossing and turning all night and I feel so sleepless and wishing choreo wasn't today. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about it, don't get me wrong I was pumped and excited to go out there and dance when it is my groups turn. But I still felt nervous, what if I stuff up or don't make it? I quickly throw on my blue sundress and stuff my dance clothes into my quite full bag. I make my way downstairs, with my phone in hand. To Emily eating all by herself at the stools placed at the kitchen table.

"morning Em." I say sweetly.

"good morning, how you feeling about today?" Em asks knowing my nerves.

"little nervous, you Em?" I asked her knowing she has to help judge everyone.

"you'll be fine beautiful. and yeah I'm good." Em tells me with a smile.

"not to mention Beth is irritating." I tell Em.

"when will she learn?" Em asks me.

We both roll our eyes, as we hear a knock on the door.

James's POV;

I wake up extra early just to make sure my moves are 100% in point, I know today is Cheoro but I want to be ready and I want to make sure I can do basic moves to perfection I also am just so pumped I felt the need to get up early and dance. As I go to downstairs I grab an apple and a muesli bar off the counter.

"James I made breakfast for you all." mum tells us.

"thanks mum, but I'm good. Going to go have juice with everyone early." I reply with a smile.

" okay good luck sweetie. And tell Riley I said good luck aswell." mum tells me as I head for the door. Riley and my mum got along extremely well. I loved it.

I make my way to Riley's house as I knock on the front door, to see Riley ready. Actually ready in clothes not her pj's for once lol.

"good morning jay." she says giving me a kiss on the lips.

"good morning beautiful." I reply staring at her as we pull away from the kiss.

"what's wrong?" she asks me curiously.

"your ready, in clothing other than pj's." I reply with a little smirk.

She rolls her eyes as we go into the house, i sit with Em in the kitchen as Riley barely touches her food.

"are you Going to eat?" I ask Riley as I take a bite of one of her toasts.

"well not the piece you just touched." Riley says laughing.

"guys, you should be leaving." Em tells us.

"got it." Riley says as she grabs my hand and her toast and I shove a piece in her mouth.

Riley's POV;

As we all await for Choreo to start, I feel way nervous. James instantly notices as I stretch.

"can you just relax pretty, you'll be fine riles." James says pulling me away from the girls.

"easy for you to say." I say panicking.

"riles, you just have to believe in yourself." he says giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I've always loved how James is that little bit taller than me, so when he kisses me or hugs me I feel as though he's protecting me and I'm safe.

Choreo started and instantly I felt a little bit doomed as I tried to pick up the dance moves, James and Eldon already got I trouble off Pheobe once so I was a little scared. The moves weren't exactly hard, but it was every style of dance combined, and it was taught at such a fast pace.

"30 minutes to learn then we'll be back here performing." Pheobe calls out.

"good luck everyone." Michelle calls out.

"do your best, remember this is A troupe Nationals." miss Kate tells us.

Emily approaches me.

"you good lovely? You are doing amazing!" Em tells me reassuringly.

"don't even worry about it." James calls out.

"wanna go practice in the music room?" James asks me.

"thanks Em and sure James." I reply.

"make sure you guys rehearse not kiss, I want you both in a troupe." Emily tells us sternly.

"got it." James says with a smile.

I smile back as James grabs my hand and we go to the music room.

James's POV;

Me and my girl are rehearsing Choreo that Pheobe put together for the Nationals A Troupe Auditions, we were both getting it. I went to give Riley a kiss, as we were in the music room Pratically alone as only the J troupers (Noah and Richelle) where behind us in the corner, but she jerked away.

"what are you doing?" she asks me, almost looking angry.

"giving you a kiss." I reply a little awkward.

"James, did you not hear Emily she said she wants us to rehearse or else we won't be in a troupe." Riley replies almost as if to say "don't you remember."

"chill riles, we've got this." I say pulling her into a hug.

She instantly lets go, I sigh.

"Can we just go from the hip hop part please." Riley replies taking a step back.

"okay." I reply a little defeated.

Beth walks in, which causes Riley to stress even more.

"hey guys, watcha up to?" Beth asks us.

"learning Choreo, do you mind?" Riley tells Beth.

"look Jamey James I need your help." Beth says as she tugs on my shirt.

"why? There's so many people who could help you?" I tell her.

"but none as good as you." she says tugging my shirt again.

I take a step back creating distance between us, well Beth is probably right I am one of the best dancers, but that's beside the point I don't have time to help her learn it, and it was just Riley and I dancing alone together. I was trying to calm Riley down as she was nothing but nervous, Beth always wants my attention when it's literally just riles and I. I knew Riley wouldn't agree to helping Beth, which is why I suggest we both help her. Even though riley might be angry at me for a little bit, I have every faith in Riles that she will make it in even if we help Beth out. It was the right thing to do.

Riley's POV;

"PLEASE." Beth said for almost the hundredth time.

I cringe at the sound of her annoying voice.

"fine." James tells Beth.

I shoot James a disapproving look, when he says it. What is James thinking?!!

"but, we both will help you. Won't we riles?" James looks at me with that charming smile of his that I absolutely love.

"fine." I hesitantly agree.

James smile really is what made me say yes, not because I like Beth, or even want her to be in a troupe but James was trying to be nice much to my disapproval, if I don't make it into A Troupe James better run, and he better take Beth with him. I won't be happy..

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