Part 15- christmas eve part 2. How did I get so lucky?

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Riley's POV;

I sit taking a sip of my orange juice when I hear Emily answering the phone, finally.

"hello Emily speaking." she answers

"hey Em, it's James, is riles there?"

"yeah she's here, I'll just get her for you." Emily replys handing me the phone.

"hey you!" James says

"hey jay" I reply smiling like crazy

"how's my princess today?" he says lovingly

"your princess is good, how's my prince?" I say jokingly

Emily rolls her eyes from across the table, which makes me smile even more.

"your prince is good, looking forward to tonight beautiful?" he asks me.

"of course I am! it's going to be awesome." I say cheerfully

"my sisters can't wait to see you." James says

"I can't wait to see them either." I reply the phone call kind of goes silent

"James?" I ask

"so you don't want to see me?'' he try's to be serious, but I know for a fact his joking.

"nice try jay, you know I want to see you." I laugh.

"damn, since when did you become so good at knowing." James says

"since always." I laugh

"I can't wait to see you too though my beautiful girl." he says, ever so sweetly.

By this point in time I'm smiling like crazy, Emily's looking at me as if I'm crazy and I honestly just want to give James a massive hug? How did I get so lucky?

"right back at you my beautiful boy." I smile.

"I still don't know what to wear though" I add

"stop worrying riles, you always look beautiful no matter what." he says seriously

"don't even worry about it hey?" I say mocking him.

"that's exactly right don't even worry about it riles." he laughs!

"your so lame sometimes." I reply laughing back

"your the one stealing my catch phrase." he says jokingly

"catch phrase please? it's like the only thing you say." I reply back laughing

"dry" james laughs

"whatever you fool, but seriously though I want to look pretty so I have to go." I add

"dry, I just want to talk to you." he says, trying to guilt me into staying on the phone.

I wanted to stay and talk to him too but if I didn't get up now I wouldn't get anything done as I could sit and talk to my boy all day every day.

"I want to talk to you too, but I have things to do jay, I'll give you an extra kiss tonight.

"make it two, actually make it three, and we have a deal?" he says convincingly

"okay four kisses extra." I laugh back.

"good, deal princess. You owe me." James replies giggling

"I know I know, jay." I say back

"good bye beautiful, catch ya later I look forward to my kisses." he replys

I'm blushing at this point.

"look forward to my kisses to, bye jay have a good day my prince."

" you too my princess." he says sweetly

I hang up the phone, and place it back on the charger, smiling at how cute he is.

"good conversation" Emily asks

"shut up Em, he was being sweet." I reply blushing

"five kisses hey" she says mocking me

" yeah five" I reply laughing

"I want to talk to you too, but I have things to do." she replys mocking me again

I'm sitting there laughing at Em rolling my eyes at her.

"right back at you my beautiful boy" she says mocking me once again.

"I get it Em you heard the conversation." I laugh at her

"have a good day my prince." she laughs mocking me again.

"shut up!" I reply still laughing

"he's cute sometimes." I say

"yeah right Riley you are crazy about him anyone can see it." Em laughs

I stir the straw around that's placed into my orange juice, If everyone else can see how crazy I am about him? Maybe he does too? I laugh at my thoughts.

"I'm not that bad, Em" I reply mocking her facials

"sure sure." she says

"whatever sis"

"are we going to sit and talk about James all day or are we going to go do something?" Em asks me

Sitting there all day talking about James sure did sound amazing, but I guess doing something productive with my Christmas eve sounded ok too.

"fine you win" I laugh

"always do, so what are you wearing tonight?" Em asks.

"not sure." I say unsure.

"great response. Let's go shopping!" Emily sounds excitedly

"okay." I reply hesitant.

I'm not sure how this is going to go, but I hope shopping with Em goes well.

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