Chapter 35- lip locking part 2 (3)

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Riley's POV;

I wake up at around 7pm to Emily and Alexa making dinner as mum went out for dinner with her friends since dad was on business, I remember falling asleep on James.

"oh so now you wake up!" Em says laughing

"he made me go on a long long long walk I was tired!" I say

"or too much lip locking" Em says joking around

"or just walking." I say stating my case even though I was a little guilty haha.

"lip locking with James hey!" Alexa stirs

"I wasn't even" I say guilty as charged

"sure sure sure" Em says playfully

"maybe a little bit." I say giving in

"we already knew that lovely" Alexa says

"shh." I say to both of them

I give them both playful nudges as we laugh and make dinner together we sit at the table with our spahetti that has red sauce, mushrooms, capsicum, tomato, and parmersan in it and then we eat, I love these girls they are incredible. It was lovely to just chat with them and enjoy a delicious bowl of pasta.

James's POV;

Dinner without Riley is so odd, we hadnt talked since the car journey home as she was probably asleep still. I missed her already. As I head to bed I lay in my big bed and not long after I hit the pillow I'm almost asleep when my princess text's me.

"thanks for an amazing Christmas eve, Christmas day, and boxing day, better be in your plans next year count me in. You're incredible xo good night beautiful boy."

I'm smilling like crazy as I re-read the next I reply a simple "you too beautiful, good night, count yourself in xoxo." I place my phone on my bedside table when it buzzed again "sleep well my boy, talk tomorrow xoxo" I read from riles smiling but not replying as I'm exhausted my eyes barely been able to stay open i place my phone back onto the night stand as I drift off to sleep.

Riley's POV;

I'm laying in bed texting james he doesn't reply the second time but that's okay it was nearly 11.30pm and he was probably fast asleep, I text Michelle for a bit as well as Elle (Giselle) and Chloe too, since I haven't really spoke to them over the past couple days. I then hear Emily and Alexa say good night as they head to bed.

C- did you have a good Christmas? Xx

"I think we know the answer to that xx" I reply To Chloe's text.

C- of course girly haha xx

"haha what about you how was your Christmas? Xx" I texted Chloe back.

C- was good little quiet just my dad and mum Since carson's on the cruise. xx

"oh yeah steph's there too hey!? Xx at least it was good." I type back

C- "yeah sure is! Anyway gtg sleep beautiful work tomorrow love you xxx"

"good night beautiful love you too xxx"

I then shut my eyes and drift off to sleep enjoying every single memory.

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