Chapter 56- the hair cut.

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Riley's POV: 

As the receptionist lady calls my name to go into the room to get my hair cut, im kind of relieved. James and i were in the middle of a kind of argument type thing and i needed for it to end. Chloe walks in with me, as i am getting her opinions since shes my bestfriend after all. James and West are sitting outside in the waiting room where James and i were arguing.

"so, do you have any ideas for todays cut?" the lady with ombre hair asks me as i take a seat infront of the massive mirror.

" alot shorter please, maybe around shoulder length." i reply trying to visualise my hair that short. 

"no problems. im sure i can manage that." the lady replies with a smile. 

It is the middle of Summer, so hot and flustering and with dance returning i need something short. I also just really wanted a change, since my hair has been so long for a long time. As the lady Genevive washes my hair and does her thing, i just fidget with the best friend ring alexa gave me for my birthday. All of todays events from the fight with mum, to the fight with James all replaying through my head.

"Whats wrong, beautiful?" my bestfriend Chloe asks me from the chair next to me. 

"James and i had a argument and so did Mum and I. " i reply looking at her still fidgetting with my ring.

"Why did you and james have a fight?" she asks curious, but also sympathetically.

"i asked him if he was okay, since he was really quiet leaving the music store. and he just snapped at me. He has never done that before." i reply sadly.

Chloe puts her hand on my back and pulls me in for a hug, patting me on the back. Chloe gives the best hugs, she always has. James wins though. We pull apart just as Genevive comes back ready to begin the cut. 

"you ready for the cut?" genevive asks me.

"ready as i ever will be." i reply back.

I look in the mirror and take a sigh, knowing it will grow back. eventually. She begins snipping away, pieces of my what was long brown hair slowly covering the shimmery hair dresses floor.

James's POV:

Riley and Chloe are just in the hair dressers, West and I waiting in the waiting room area. I havent said a thing since Riley and i had that argument, i felt bad. She was only trying to be caring. and she always has been.

"Man, whats wrong? You havent said a word since Riley left." west asks me from the chair next to me.

"Riley and i had an argument i guess man." i reply slowly.

"About what brother?" he asks me with a sympathetic look.

"Well what jackson said really got to me, and when i was quiet riley asked me what was wrong which is really sweet of her, but i completely snapped at her, making her mad." i say almost embarrased.

"Man just appoligise to her and explain the situation, it will be fine." west tells me with a smile. 

"thanks dude." i say back nodding. 

Riley's POV:

"thank you so much Genevive." i call out as Chloe and i are about to walk out the doors.

"No problems sweetheart, see you gals next time." she says waving.

We smile and walk out making our way over to the boys, i hope James likes my hair cut. I like it, its fresh and exactly what i needed.

"nice hair cut." west tells me as we stand in front of the boys.

"thank you west." i reply back with a smile.

James is looking at me, with that signature James smile that i love. I instantly smile back, forgetting everything from earlier.

"so do you like it, jay?" i ask self consious.

"not really." he replies with a somewhat straight face. 

my smile instantly fadded, chloe looking shocked.

"I love it beautiful, really suits you." he replies with that gorgeous smile. 

"thanks cutie." i reply back smiling. He grins at me.

"shall we go get food?" chlo asks us.

"yes im starving." west says getting up.

James takes my hand as we walk to the coffee shop, i lean my head onto his shoulder as we walk. Chloe and west walking near us. 

"im sorry beautiful." he whispers delicately into my ear.

I lean my head up a little giving him a kiss on the cheek, standing onto my tippy toes. 

"its okay my boy." i whisper in his ear as i place my head into place on his shoulder. 

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