Chapter 4

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The woman grins in delight and the priests tilt the lid towards the sarcophagus.

I immediately cried out, "Wingardium leviosa!" and Eve was floating in the air. Everyone looked shocked, and I saw Imhotep look around for me.

Rick then suddenly leaps forward and grabs her mid-air, and that's when Ardeth opens fire from up in the catwalk. I immediately put a protego on Eve and Rick.

The High Priest, Lock-Nah and all the priests dive for cover. The sarcophagus lid crashes to the floor. Bullets rip into the pillar above the woman's head and she screams and crouches on the floor.

Ardeth races across the catwalk, blasting away, keeping everybody pinned down.

Rick shoves Evy aside and uses one hand to snap open a butterfly knife and cut the ropes holding Evy. At the same time, his other hand is pumping shotgun blasts. One of which blows a priest backwards into another priest, who falls into the scarab filled sarcophagus. The priest screams and flails wildly as the hideous flesh-eating scarabs envelope him.

Imhotep steps up to the black urn where his servants are kept. Bullets rip through him, but he doesn't seem to mind.

He then says, "Rise ye, my servants!"

I can see Rick and Evy race toward the staircase, and I hope they make it.

Imhotep continues his chant, "Collect your bones, gather your limbs, shake the earth from your flesh! Your Master is here!" Imhotep rips the lid off the black urn and a mass of sand explodes out of it and forms into four soldier mummies.

Rick, Evy, Ardeth and I meet at the top of the staircase and look down and see the soldier mummies. Rick just groans, "Not these guys again."

Imhotep points to us, not noticing me, then looks at the soldier mummies and cries out, "E-heeby-uut Set-na!" (kill them!)

Rick yanks Evy out the door, Ardath and myself right behind them. The soldier mummies hunker into attack position and screech loudly, shaking the museum walls. We bust out of a side exit and race down the alley. Behind us, the brick wall of the museum explodes as the four soldier mummies jump through it in perfect unison, hitting the pavement and pivoting sharply, to stride down the alley after us.

We race out to where the car was, and see it's deserted. Rick shouts, "Where the hell's Jonathan?!"

Suddenly, a bright, red, double-decker bus careens around the corner with Jonathan at the wheel, nervously trying to maintain control. The bus slows and Alex pulls open the door.

We all leap inside. Evy hugs Alex, and Rick gives Jonathan a look to kill, "What's the matter with my car?"

Jonathan coughs and says nervously, "We were forced to find alternative transportation."

Rick looks incredulous, "A double-decker bus?!"

Jonathan points to Alex, "It was his idea!"

Alex looks offended and yells, "Was not!"

Jonathan is adamant, "Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

Rick, looking back and seeing the mummies, finally yelled, "Go! Go! Go!"

Jonathan hits the gas and shifts up. The bus lurches forward and Rick runs to the back of the bus and looks out. He sees the four soldier mummies stride out of the alley in a two-by-two assault formation.

They pivot and march right up and over his Rolls Royce, severely crushing the trunk, roof and bonnet. Rick is devastated, "I hate mummies."

The soldier mummies fan out, four abreast, and begin to accelerate after the bus. Rick looks at Ardeth and says, "You take the low road. I'll take the high."

Ardeth nods and says, "Right."

He then looks at me and I said, "I'll guard Alex and Eve." He nods in appreciation, then moves to the staircase. It was a few minutes before one of the soldier mummies leaps off the building and plasters himself to the back window of the bus, scaring the shit out of all of us. Ardeth then opens fire and blasts the window, shattering the glass everywhere. I made sure to put a protego on Alex, Evy and I, making it so the glass didn't touch us. The soldier mummy is ripped in half; the lower half of its body drops away and hits the street.

Ardeth then pops the cartridge out of his machine-gun, dropping it to the floor. He fumbles for another one when suddenly, the torso of the soldier mummy he just shot in half swings in through the shattered rear window, screaming in rage. Ardeth starts backpedaling up the aisle, trying to reload.

The half-soldier mummy chases him, scurrying over the seats using only it's hands, like a crazed monkey, screeching wildly.

Evy and Alex see it coming and they yell at Jonathan, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" Jonathan cranks the wheel and the bus slews hard to the left, throwing Ardeth across the aisle; his machine gun flying out the window.

Ardeth then leaps to his feet, unarmed. The half-soldier mummy rises up over a seat in front of him and lifts it's deformed hand which has razor sharp, four inch fingernails growing out of its fingertips. It swipes at Ardeth. I quickly cast a protego, making it so that the half-mummy only shoves Ardeth back.

Evy and Alex grab him while the half-mummy screeches and leaps forward.

Evy and Alex yell, "Turn! Turn! Turn!" The bus slews hard to the right this time. The half-soldier mummy swipes at Ardeth again and tries to rip him across the chest, my spell the only thing keeping him from being sliced. Ardeth slams into the wall of the bus, dazed. The half-mummy closes in for the kill.

I get ready. As the half-mummy lifts Ardeth up with one hand while drawing his hideous claw-fingers back for the final blow, I yell, "Bombarda Maxima!" blowing the half-mummy to pieces.

Jonathan and Alex are staring out through the front windshield, eyes widening in unison as Eve cheers, "Give 'em hell Harri!"

Suddenly, Alex and Jonathan say in unison, "Uh oh."

We all look and up ahead is a very low hanging pedestrian bridge.

Alex yells, "We're not gonna make it!" We jerk as the top of the bus gets crushed on the overhang, and when we passed through, Alex yells, "Great driving Uncle Jon!"

Jonathan hugs Alex with his free arm. There was a moment of calm and then Alex hears something to his immediate right. He turns and looks and yelps in terror as he sees a soldier mummy pop up into the open window, clinging to the side of the bus.

Jonathanscreams next. Then the soldier mummy screeches

Harri Potter in: the Mummy ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now