Part 6

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I was walking in the train corridor. I had put my thing to be put away on the train. It seemed that all the compartments were full, I new there would be a place for me somewhere.

After reaching the back of the train I finally found an empty compartment. I notice there was a boy my age.

He had platinum blond hair and looked pale.

"um, hi. May I seat here? Everywhere else is full" I asked the pale looking boy.

The boy turned its head from the window, " sure" he answered. He seemed nervous.

I walk inside taking a seat in front of him.

"I'm Y/n Bloomer"


"What's your last name?" I asked.

"I'm afraid you're going to judge me by my last name."

Why would I judge him by his last name. I'm not that kind of person.

Scorpius POV

"I'm afraid you're going to judge me by my last name." i said.

I knew she would judge me by my last name. My father was a death eater. People made fun of him after you-know-who was gone.

I stared at her not sure what to say. But just then 2 more people came in.

"Hey guys", a female voice said.

Y/n and I both turned our head towards where the female voice. There was a boy next to her.

I knew who they were, well I met them before.

"Hi Scorpius, long time no see" the boy said.

They both entered taking a seat. The female sitting next to y/n and the boy next to me.


The female had red hair and about my age. She turned to look at me and smiled.

"Hi I'm Rose, Rose Weasley." She said taking a hand out for me to shake. I took her hand and shaked it.

"That Albus" Rose said pointing to the boy.

I looked over to the boy, he looked familiar.

"We met already in Diagon alley," Albus said smiling at me. "Rose is my cousin."

"I'm Y/n Bloomer." I told Rose.

I already missed my dear old grandmother and Morgana already. Felt like ages that I haven't seen them.

But why was Scorpius afraid of telling me his last name?


It was getting dark out, and I was hungry. I hadn't taken anything from the trolley, I was trying to save money since grandmother and I didn't work. We just wanted to have enough money until I got a job.

I felt the train slowing down, meaning we were here.

Scorpius, Rose, Albus and made our way out. People were rushing to get out of the train. As I climbed down the staircase I could here a man shouting.

"Firs' years, over here. Firs' years."

The man tall and big. he had black curly hair that also covered his face, making it see only his black eyes and nose. There seemed to be white strands of hairs showing. He was holding I lamp, making shadows where the light didn't shine.

When all the first years were gathered up the big man lead us a path. Rose, Scorpius and Albus were still by my side.

After a while I thought the man was going to kill us but I here 'woah' and 'ooh'. I didn't know what was happening until I saw what they were seeing.


Hi there.
Question of the chapter;

What was your favourite part of the book/movie?

What was your favourite part of the book/movie?

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Mine was when Harry and Hermione were dancing. 🥰.

Have a nice day/night 💕

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