Part 13

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When the sun shined on my face, my eyes squinted. I wanted to stay in bed. But then I remember that I had written a letter for my grandmother.

I sat up and pulled the covers off. I stood up, got dressed into my robes and grabbed the letter.

It was way too early to get out of the common room, but I wanted to know the answer to my question.

As I went down the stair I made sure no one was in the common room. When I was sure there was no one I sneaked out the door.

I had to go up a couple stair cases before finally making it to the owlry.

Since I didn't have an owl I had to use an owl from the school.

Once the owl was on its way I ran back to the great hall, I was starving.


"Hey" I said out of breath.

"We waited for you-" Albus started.

"Where were you!?" Scorpius asked, worried, cutting off Albus.

"Sorry, I went to send a letter to my grandmother. I wanted to send the letter as soon as possible." I said as I sat down at the table.

Albus stared at Scorpius, probably mad because he cut him off.

"What?" Scorpius asked.

Albus shook his head and scoffed.

"nothing" he said smiling staring at Scorpius.

"So what is it that you wanted tell us yesterday?" Scorpius asked.

Albus looked at us confused.

"How about I tell you guys in the library?"

They nodded.


I was sitting in the farthest part of the library, with Camila this time.

The boys kept asking them what I wanted to tell them but kept telling them 'later in the library'.

I heard foot steps and I looked up to see Rose, Scorpius and Albus coming.

"What did you want to tell us?" Rose asked. "it can't be that serious?".

I stared at them hesitating. I didn't want to lose my only friends.

"Ithinkimightbeaparselmouth" I mumbled quickly.

"Sorry?" Albus asked.

I took a deep breath.

"I think I might be a parcelmouth." I told them slowly.

There was a moment of silence.

" are...are you sure?" Scorpius asked.

"I said I think" I started, taking a seat. "when I was talking to Morgana, my other pet snake at home, I asked her if she was hungry. And I thought for a moment she said 'yes'."

They sat as well.

"Well maybe we should test it out, see if it's true" Rose suggested.

The boys nodded in agreement.

I looked at Camila, she stared back.

"what ever happens, promise me you'll still be my friends even if I might be parcelmouth?" I asked them.

"I promise" Rose said

"I promise too" Scorpius said.

I smiled and looked at Albus.


He looked at me. He looked like he was hesitating. He opened his mouth but to close it again.

I looked at him trying to get his promise. I was sad that he was hesitating. He seemed like such a good friend.

All of a sudden he stood up and walked out of the library.

I was shocked. The other stared at me in sympathy.

"We are here for you" Scorpius said putting his hand on mine.

I smiled, feeling tears coming up.

"Let's try it out?" I asked them.

They nodded.


We started with the simple things like asking 'yes' or 'no' questions. Camila answered back. After a while i started to ask long answer questions.

' have you ever tried to talk to me?' I asked in Parseltongue.

'Yes, many times for 2 years. Mason kept telling it wouldn't work but I never gave up. One day I convinced Morgana to try and communicate with you.'

I smiled and looked at Rose and Scorpius.

"What she say?" Rose asked.

"They've been trying to communicate with me for about two years."

"Cool" Scorpius said smiling.

"Your a Parselmouth" Rose scoffed.

"Yeah, I guess I am but how and why?" I asked but mostly to myself.


Hello, I have no idea why you guys like this story. There isn't a lot of action but more talking.

It's okay to hate on me if you hate that I made Albus a bad friend.

I was thinking of doing first to third year for this book and fourth to seventh in another book.

QOTD; What's your favourite drink?

QOTD;  What's your favourite drink?

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I love milkshakes ❤️.

Goodnight or good morning 💕

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