Part 10

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As i walk in to potions class I see Rose sitting with some Gryffindor girls. I got excited and walked to her smiling.

"Hey Rose, haven't seen you since the sorting." I said smiling.

I look over to the girls behind her. They were giving this weird look. "Exuse me, do you have a problem with me?" I rudely asked crossing my arms.

The girls shook there heads and looked away. I look back at Rose, she seemed surprised.

"sorry about that I don't like it when people eavesdrop on me." I said annoyed.

"that's alright Y/n," she said smiling "by the way it sucks that we're not in the same house" she sighed.

"Totally sucks" I said as the teacher came into the class.

This man was, well, I wouldn't exactly say fat but he did have a belly. He had lines on his forehead and under his eyes. He seemed like he was tired.

"Good morning children" the man said taking some things out his small bag, "My name is Professor Slughorn and I'll be you potions teacher this year. Will everyone take a seat please?" Professor Slughorn said looking at all the students still standing.

I was one of them and so I went to take a seat between Scorpius and Albus.

"Today we will be learning the Boil-Cure also known as Cure for boils."


"Don't forget to read pages 145 to 150 for tomorrow!" Professor Slughorn shouted at the students.

I picked up my things for potions, And walked out the class. We then made our way to our next class which was charms class.

"We have to read five pages on the first day and first class!" Scorpius said sulking.

"What did you expect? No homework. We're at a school to learn Scorpy." I said walking out the class. Albus and Scorpius following behind.

"Yes I did and I know that" Scorpius said now walking beside me. " but seriously couldn't they have at least let us get used to working before giving a ton of work?"

"I guess your right" I agree looking at Scorpius.

He smiled and I smiled back. I look over at Albus who was just staring at us confused or weird out. Why you may ask? I don't know.

"Anyway" Albus said rolling his eyes. "How is Mason doing?" He said nodding his head towards my wrist.

I brought my arm up and lifted my sleeve. Mason was still curled up sleeping.

"His alright I guess" I answered petting Mason on the head.

"Aren't we not supposed to bring pets to classes unless the teacher asks us to bring it?" A voice a little behind us said.

The three of us stop and turn. Just there standing at the door of charms class was a girl.

She had brown hair and brown eyes. She looked a little smaller than me.

"Yes and that's why your not going to say anything about it." I responded smiling.

She had this face that I would want to punch. Plus she was a Slytherin and I hadn't met all the Slytherin girls in first year.

"by the way" I said taking a step closer, putting my hand on my hips. " What's you name? You seem like the type of girl that would be called Hanna."

" it's Shannon Barnum and I'll tell the teacher you have a pet, and even worse your pet is a snake." She said in a mater of fact way, crossing her arms.

"Well you're terrible at seeing thing cause I had my pet the whole morning and didn't seem to bother anyone" I responded in the same tone.

'I really don't want to make enemies on my first day, that would suck so much.' I thought to myself.

"If it bothers you then" I said, "which it won't" I said mumbling. "I will gladly take him back to my dorm" I said grinning.

"Take who back to your dorm?" A voice suddenly said.

A man, half the size I was, was coming down the hallway. I assumed he was the charms teacher.

When I turned my head I noticed that there was so many people around now. They probably all gathered around us since we were arguing and wanted to see the drama.

"Oh good morning professor. I was just saying that maybe Scorpius and I would go back to my dorm." I said casually.


Did I here that right?? And did she just that out loud?

I stare at her surprised. I could feel a small smile forming on the corner of my mouth, but quickly stopped before the smile got bigger. I felt my cheeks reddening to a soft pink.

"I'm sorry what? That's.. That's not going to h-happen Miss..Miss er?" He mumbled asking for y/n's name.

"Y/N Bloomer, nice to meet you." She smiled.

I liked her smile. It was like she was sent down from heaven.


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I added some drama although I don't personally like drama. It might've not been drama for you guys but that was a lot of drama.

What is you favourite flavour ice cream?

I like Chocolate but sometimes vanilla depending on the day

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I like Chocolate but sometimes vanilla depending on the day.

Goodnight or Good morning 💕

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