Part 7

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Then I saw what they were seeing. A beautiful castle on the edge of lake. Windows shining brightly in the night sky.

Small boats were waiting at the doc to be rowed to the castle.

"Alright firs' years in yer go. Four per boat max." The tall and big man yelled.


" I heard there was a giant squid in the lake, at least from what I've heard." I heard a kids voice say.

I turned to the people in my boat.

"is there really a giant squid in this lake?", I asked them.

"Probably... the Slytherins said they sometimes saw some tentacles in there windows..." Scorpius replied.

"Woah, the slytherins common room is under water?" I asked.

" sort of."

The boats were small, I could feel the wind on my face. I couldn't wait to get sorted.

We arrived on the other side of the lake after what felt like a hour. We walked through a cave and then we walked through some flights of stairs.

We arrived to a pair of giant door, the tall man knocked on the doors.

" I wonder what house I'll be in?" Rose asked. She smiled and put her hand together as if she was praying.

" you'll be in Gryffindor stupid. Your father and mother were in Gryffindor." Albus scoffed.

" so, the black family had a Gryffindor in a family of Slytherins." Rose shot back smiling.

"The black family?" I asked.

The tall man knock on the big door to what they said was the great hall in the tourist book.

"We will tell you later. oh look, the doors are opening." Scorpius answered.

A lady wearing a green emerald gown, her hair was tied tightly into a bun.

She left the door open enough for her to pass.

" the students are ready for all of you." The lady said. " I suggest you clean yourselves up." She said.

Rose, Albus, Scorpius and I looked at each other. I didn't seem like we needed to clean ourselves.

"I'm Professor McGonagll, I will be your headmistress. There will be four houses in which you will be sorted. There is Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Slytherins. These houses will be like your family. You will earn points for good action and lose points for bad actions. At the end of each year one house will win the house cup." McGonagll said.

The four of us looked at us again smiling.

"Now if you will follow me we will be going into the great hall." Professor McGonagll Continued.

She opened the doors wide enough so we could see the whole hall. It was beautiful.

Candles were everywhere shining the place. the ceiling looked like the sky outside, the stars shining brightly. There were four long tables in which students were sitting. They all had different colours, assuming it was there house colours. A table a few steps up at the end of the hall, was a table for where the staff sat. In front was a small stool.


The students made there way to the end of the hall.

Y/n was feeling nervous since the whole school was going to see her get sorted. What if she tripped going up those steps?

Professor McGonagll turned around holding a scroll of paper.

" When I will call your name, you will come and sit on this stool in which I will place the sorting hat on you."

After the fifth person was sorted, Y/n was even more nervous who know what house she would be in.

" Y/n Bloomer." McGonagll called.

It was time.

Please don't trip, please don't trip. Y/n thought to herself.

She made her way to the two steps to the stool. She sat on the stool nervously while McGonagll place the hat on. She tried not to show she was nervous. She usually nervous like this.

Students were starring wondering if she'd be in there house.

Just then the hat suddenly yelled something.


Ooh what house do you think she will be in?

Question of the day;
What is your favourite animal?

Question of the day;What is your favourite animal?

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Mine are snakes 🐍

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