Part 11

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"Alright every one,let's get into the classroom" the small man said.

When everyone was inside and seated, small man piled some books on his desk. He then climbed onto them.

He tried getting the class to quite down but everyone were so loud. But after a few minutes he was finally able to get them to quite down.

I sat beside Scorpius and Albus was on his side.

"good morning class, my name is Professor Flitwick and I'll be you charms teacher."

He then got out a scroll and started reading the names out.


"Y/n," Albus started. We were learning the laviosa spell. "why didn't you just say that you had forgotten to put something back to your dorm?"

I could here students screaming the spell to try and make a feather float.

"Huh... I guess I didn't think of that" I replied after a few seconds.

"obviously" Albus replied sarcastically and rolling his eyes.

We both giggled. I noticed Scorpius made a nervous laugh.

After that I focused on trying to make my feather float.I had managed to make it fly after two tries but went flying to the other side, in someone's face, causing the person to sneeze.


"I am so glad we don't have homework from charms" Scorpius said happily. "hallelujah!" He shouted raising his arms in the air.

I smiled. Mason was still around my wrist sleeping but I thought that maybe I should bring him back to the dorm.

Arriving at the great hall, We walked over to the Slytherin table and sat at our usual places for lunch.

Just then I thought about my grandmother. Was she alright? Should have taken her to a old folks home? Maybe I should have gotten a house elf for her.

"Do you know where I can find a house elf?" I asked out of the blue.

Scorpius and Albus stared at me. After a short moment Scorpius spoke.

"Why do you need a house elf? Not that I mind you having one but..."

"It's for my grandmother" I said looking down at my plate. "It's just been her and I for 2 years. All that time I have been taking care of her."

Both boys didn't know what say.

"Maybe my father can seek you one, we got lots." Scorpius said slowly.

"That would be great," I looked up and smiled at him, " that way I won't have to worry about her too much. Thank you" I said hugging him.

I could feel him blushing. How cute. I could hear Albus giggling.

"What?" I asked pulling away from the hug.

"Nothing" he said going back to eating.

Then I thought about the morning where I thought Morgana could understand me. I must have been in my thoughts for while since Scorpius was shouting my name.

"what's going on Y/N? You zoned" he said.

"Oh... just thinking, don't worry."


The rest of the day went fairly quickly after that. The only thing we hade to was read this five pages for tomorrow. Lucky right?

I went to the library that evening to read this pages, but I also wanted to search something up. Scorpius and Albus went back to the common room.

When I went to go grab a chair to sit on, I notice a red head girl sitting reading. Then I noticed it was Rose.


Well hello there.

QOTD; what your favourite colour?

I like red and purple.

Good night or good morning 💕

Bloomer (Scorpius X reader )Where stories live. Discover now