Part 3

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"Hey grandma, I got a letter. I never get letters",y/n yelled from the entrance.

"A letter? Who from?" y/n's grandmother replied from the kitchen.

Y/n took a closer look at the seal, It was written;

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

While reading this, she turned to walk towards the kitchen. When she arrived her grandmother said

"Well, who's it from?"

"Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry."

"Never heard of it."

"I have it's in the tour guide book we bought before coming here. There was a war there once because of some dark wizard, and it all started with the previous headmaster dying." she paused, then continued, "People say it the best school for wizards a witch's, from what I've read of course."

"Well, are you going to open it my child?"

Y/n opened the letter. Inside there was two sheets of paper, one was about the school and rules, the other were the list of things that she would need for school.

"Awesome! I'm finally going to school."


On august 30th, about a month later, Y/n was so excited she couldn't sleep last night.

Y/n looked at Morgana, who was just as wide awake as y/n.

"are you as excited as I am Morgana ?"

Morgana lifted up her head to stare at her, then gave a slight nod. Could Morgana here her? Or better, understand Y/n? Y/n got off her bed and walked towards Morgana. She had a face that seemed like she was confused.

She stopped in front of Morgan's bed. Morgana was still staring at her.

"are you hungry?"Y/n asked.


Y/n's face froze. Had she heared right? Did Morgana just speak. The voice sounded like a female.

Am I dreaming or did she just talk? Y/n thought to herself.

"Come on then Morgana." still confused she lead Morgana down to the dining room.

As she came in the dining room, her grandmother was sitting at the table reading the Daily Prophet. On it read, Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry finally open for another term. Under the title was a moving picture of Hogwarts with some teachers.

Y/n walked passed her to get to the kitchen. Even though they were rich they didn't have a house elf, they couldn't find one. If they did find one, Y/n would have more time on here hands.

"How will you get to Diagon Alley dear?"Y/n's grandmother asked after y/n had fed Morgana.

"Floo powder of course." y/n replied. "I should probably get dressed before going though." she paused.

Her grandmother put down the news paper.

"Does it seem crazy or weird that I can talk to snakes?" y/n continued.

Her grandmother looked at her surprised.

"Never mind, I'm gonna get ready to go to Diagon Alley ." she got up and left the dining room before y/n's grandmother could say anything else.


"Are you ready to go y/n?"

"yes i am and I have my list of things I need to get"

"Alright, make sure to go to Gringotts first. I transferred our money there. You can get everything you need."

Y/n walked over to the fireplace. Then she grabbed a hand full of Floo powder that was in a small bowl, next to the fireplace.

Once she was in the fireplace she closed her eyes and yelled, "DIAGON ALLEY!", and let go of the Floo powder. Green fire rose and disappeared.

Y/n felt her guts twist and turn. When she felt her feet touch the ground, she opened her eyes.

Bloomer (Scorpius X reader )Where stories live. Discover now