32) reapers

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To those who wish to see her grace,
She shall return to those who wait.
Once the moon reaches it's peak,
Then she will have ears for you to speak.
For those who seek her guidance divine,
Only hearts of pure shall gain her avail.

I frowned as I read the sign in front of me. It was nearly nighttime, and the lunar eclipse would be happening tonight. I could see a few werewolves already giggling excitedly in the fields surrounding the temple.

The sign was misleading.

During a lunar eclipse, the moon is hidden by Earth's shadow. So wouldn't it be the moon's weakest and darkest moment? Why would the moon goddess leave her home during that time? And why does the sign say you could only talk to her when the moon peaks? Isn't that midnight?

I sighed and made my way back to Azazel and Levi. The were talking about something serious, with grim expressions on both of their faces, but Azazel's eyes never strayed from me.

He had been watching me like a hawk these past few days and I couldn't understand why. There was always some sort of hesitation in his face though, dancing along side the hatred, which had also become more frequent.

"So?" Levi asked once I made it back to them.

"I think we might have to wait until midnight." I sighed, laying back on the grass with my hands tucked behind my head. "It says you can only talk to Theia when the moon is at it's peak."

"Sure." Azazel says with a scowl, "If you're an ingsignifacant werewolf."

"Lucky for us," Levi continues, ignoring his friend's sour mood, "Azazel is family. He can talk to her whenever he wants."

Azazel scoffs, crosses his arms and turns his gaze towards the temple. It was elegant and white and made out of actual stone from the moon. It was the most spiritual temple on Earth, and Azazel had helped build it.

"Why do you want to talk the the moon goddess anyway? We don't have the time." Levi asks.

Before I could answer, a shadow came over my head.

"You three need to leave." A rumbling male voice sounded from above.

I peaked open my eyes only to look into a pair of intense blues. The man was taller than average, he was much taller than me and I was nearly six feet tall.

Azazel smirked, looking the giant man up and down. "We haven't done anything wrong."

"I can smell the stench of Hell from miles away. You're not welcome here, especially with that scentless female you've got with you." The second one growled.

"Relax." Azazel replied, still smirking, "I'm
not going to set my hell hounds on you.... yet."

The first man hit the second one in the leg with his weapon, "Don't entice the Devil, Olcan." He growled quietly before turning back to us with a hesitant smile. "Only werewolves and lycans are permitted inside the temple."

Azazel's eyes were alight with cynical amusement.

"My apologies, sire." Olcan squeaked. "But, those are the rules."

"Lets make a deal, shall we?" the Devil grins, ignoring Levi's eye roll. "You let my scentless female inside the temple, and I won't send my hounds to shred you and your friends to pieces."

He cocks his head to the side, patiently awaiting an answer. The two lycans glance at eachother before nodding their heads.

"Smart choice."

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