34) forgive me

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"He does not know."

After I sent Eliya away I finally had the chance to
sit down and read the rest of Brett's diary.

"He does not know."

Nearly every entry, after about the first five years of my mate's life, ended with those words—words he had somehow yet to explain.

We were all still in the living room. I was getting anxious. The anticipation was eating all of us alive. Myself more than others. Who doesn't know what?

I turned the page.

"November 12th, 2010:

It has been 9 years since my wife's death. She did not die in the great battle in the heavens like I have lead everyone to believe, simply because I could not bear the truth.

The truth of which, I have painfully put off writing for so long. I am afraid, even though I was told it is not possible, that he will find a way into this book, and he will know I have been betraying him for the last 4 years.

I found out soon after the angel turned five. Darling thing she is, when she is herself. I hate that we are training her to be a puppet. She should be able to live the life she wants. The life her parents wanted for her when they sent her away.

It was him who did it. I ran across a very powerful seer that day, one who traded knowledge for priceless items from around the world. I was supposed to ask him how to capture a god in chains...which you know as I have already written about it.

I traded him Michael's golden sword for that information. Like I was told to. The sword was stolen from Michael the day he and Silas parted bodies.

But what he does not yet know, and what you do not yet know: is that I made another trade that day.

An heirloom that once belonged to my wife. I was afraid the seer would not accept such an insignificant, human gift. But perhaps he saw in me a desperate man, and granted the trade.

My wife died on November 12th, 2001. 5 days before the great war. Five days before Lizzie was born.

She had been on a special top secret mission, given to her directly from Silas. Neither of us knew she was destined to fail.

It was to retrieve your scythe, Azazel, Angel of Death.

I'm told she got close. My wife was something special, that's for sure. If you needed something, she would find a way to get it. No matter what. Especially if it was shiny, or a shell from the sea.

She was my own little mermaid. Not literally, of course. No we were both human, and we both were searching for greater things. Unfortunately, we looked in the wrong places and it cost us our lives.

There was one problem. One tiny piece of information Silas forgot to mention—that living things could not touch your scythe. She did not realize her soul had stayed behind with your scythe in the Underworld until she died right at the mortal entrance to Hell. Somehow she had been allowed to make it out that far.

He sent her to her death, Azazel, and for that I will never forgive him.

I never used to believe that humans had soulmates, but I swear to you, she was mine.

So here is the truth I'm sure you have been wondering about:

Eliya, my Lizzie, still has a chance. Because while Silas has been corrupting her mind, I have been hardening her heart.

He is teaching her how to block her mind from his and Michael's persuasion, but he has not and will never teach her that he can do much worse damage by controlling her heart. That is how he plans to win the war—by breaking her heart.

He is under the impression that I give her tough love because we need her to have a strong head. Arrogance is what he wants, arrogance in his favor. Calm, cool, and collected arrogance.

But Lizzie will never be arrogant.

My Lizzie, when he is not around, which is not often these days, I tell her stories of her mother. I tell her about kindness and love—things that truely last forever. But when he is she must hate me, she must think I am a terrible father, but maybe one day you will help her understand. I love her as if she were my own.

So although my daughter goes dirt biking and scares the wits out of the children at school, her heart is as big as the sun, and you only need to show her you love her back to have her on your side.

Do not be the cause of her fear. He will use that against you.

Show her you care. And surely you must, for she is your mate. Her powers will one day complement yours. And she will truely be a force to be reckoned with.

Do not let him kill you, because he will find a way. He is coming for you, Azazel."

The rest of the entries were simple day to day tellings like they had always been. There was no more hidden meanings, no more secrets.

No more threats.

I read about how much her relationship with the man improved the more distant Silas had become—when he was always gone because he had started training his army and making plans Brett did not know details about. The only thing the man did explain, was that he kept the book in that magical bag for safety purposes, not from me but from Silas.

I closed the book with anxious eyes, the last words being "You are here, forgive me."

I do, I do forgive you. I just hope you have done enough.

The others were getting fidgety in their seats. She should have been back by now. It was nearly 3:00 PM.

"She- She's not dead is she?" Levi whispered from where he was slouched against the wall.

I shook my head. "Her soul is still here." I replied, glancing up to where I left it, softly glowing, watching, in the front of the room.

She was not dead. If she died, her soul would rush back in time into her body. She would exist in the 1300s for mere seconds, long enough for all of us there to learn who she was and for our memories of those days to duplicate... and then I would've had to collect my own mate's soul.

No she was not dead, and that only made me more anxious. Something was keeping her there.

And I was afraid it was me.


Heavy stuff, I know.

Is it weird to have this chapter after the chapter in Kaylee's POV? Because this happens before that and I don't want you guys to get confused

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Is it weird to have this chapter after the chapter in Kaylee's POV? Because this happens before that and I don't want you guys to get confused.


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