Andrew - 1

393 9 2

The Fallout nearly killed me. Mentally and physically. But now; I will have to be it's ruler until my end of time?! I almost died several years ago because of it. And I will never forget it. I will never fotget... her.

Buildings crumble around me, and litter is scattered vastly everywhere. Smoke filled the air above the skyscrapes, and fire crumbled down the dark alleys. The skies were dark and gloomy. I wasn't supposed to be here; but I had every right to be.

"In the darkest night the faintest light is blinding," I lip sink, leaning my head against a wall.

"Andy?" Hayden said, looking blankly at my face, as I worded out the quote

I shake my head to freshen up my mind, and flip my bangs to the side. "Hayden?" I say, "Why are you outside of Empire boundaries?"

"We have a problem in the White Empire. It will need to be attended to soon," he states. He rubs his hand on the back of his neck.

"Thanks Hayden. Where is Bennett?" I ask, starting to walk towards the White Empire. "Didn't he go off the to deliver a message into Black Empire?"

Hayden tags along beside me as I walk. "No, I delivered the message. That is why I ran into you on the way back."

"Then why isn't Bennett with you?" I question. I stop walking to ask him. He noticed that I stopped and turns around.

"He went with some other members to find... you know..." Hayden says, looking down at his feet.

"Right," I say, holding my breath,"Angel."

Angel is the youngest member of the White Empire. Being only five; she believed in equality. She believed that White and Black should fight next to eachother; not against eachother.

Angel tries to run away to black, while still in her white uniform. She tries to convince the leader of the Black Empire, Dave, that this isn't right.

Everytime Angel comes back, we see scars from lashes on her face. They nearly kill her every time; but she keeps running back to them. We have tried everything we could to keep her contained in the White Empire's grounds, but she is to intelligent.

Her parents were killed due to the first battle between the Empires. When the people who believed in goodness in everyone, and the people who believed in self revolution to your soul, fought. Her parents were on the dark side, but she belived in equality; which is closest to goodness. So we took her in. But we shouldn't of done that; she officially was born to be in the Black Empire.

Me and Hayden's feet crunch along the dead grass, as we head south.

"Why do you always hang out of the Empire boundaries?" Hayden asked, giving me a curious look.

"I feel like I can escape," I say," being a ruler in the Fallout is the hardest job anyone can have."

"But you surrendered Bailey to Dave. What is their to worry about?" Hayden reminded me.

"Bails," I murmur under my breath.

Bailey. She is part of the Black Empire, and I fell in love with her. But she was forced to marry Dave, because he had chosen her to be his wife. He loves her so strongly, but she only loves him as a brother.

It's a Black Empire tradition for the leader to choose whoever he wants to marry out of the Black Empire. The tradition has been going on ever since the Empires were split. The woman he chooses has no choice but to marry him. And he has to force her to love him.

She ran away with me. She didn't want to be tortured by Dave. But then I did something.... Terrible. So she just went running back to Dave. Even though he tortures her, she prefers him.

For Our Fates // A Crown The Empire FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now