Hayden - 4

195 7 0

Call To Arms (Act l)


I grabbed a rag from my pocket and wiped my face. Whenever you are out of any Empire's boundaries, you need to wipe the paint off. So whatever Empire you enter, your face is clean. I hand the rag to Angel.

"You ok back there?" I ask her. Angel sat on my shoulders, and her legs draped around the sides of my neck. Her hands were placed on my hair in fear of falling off.

"I'm bleeding a lot, but not as much as before," she tells me. I look up to her and see the blood spread across her hands.

Chills fall down my spine in fear as her blood smudges all over my hair.

"We will be at the hospital soon. I promise you," I tell her. "Just keep holding on."

I started to walk faster. I wasn't running because I didn't want her to fall off. I didn't want to have her cradled in my arms either; don't want to see the blood. I grabbed her feet, and started to run. She bent over and grabbed my shoulders in fear.

Blood dripped onto the floor of the woods; leaving a trial. Which is proof that we were outside of Empire oundaries. And I didn't have time to clean it up. She needed help.

Suddenly, Angel let's out a piercing screech, and buried her face in my hair.


"What Angel? We are in the woods. Tell me what's wrong," I beg.

"Look over by the creek," she whispers. She was afraid of whatever was out there.

"I don't see it," I reply.

I continue to walk, then I saw it. I gasp in fear and step a few feet away. I could feel Angel shaking in fear of the ominous. It was the most grim thing I have ever see.

Silk capes of black, hid behind the trees in the distance. Their mask made their appearance look like a crow, and their nails were grossly long and pointed at the ends. One of them had a beak, different from the others. It was in the shape of a raven.

They stood completely still; watching me as cold chills run throughout my body.

"Outsiders," I whisper.

"Look what the Raven has in his hand," Angel said.

The Raven lifts his arm up and shows what he had on his hand. It was a dead leaf he got from the ground. One that was covered in Angel's blood. He gripped the leaf in his hand, and crumbles the leaf with his fingers. The remains of he leaf flew in the wind.

What am I supposed to do? If I run they might attack. If I say something, they could hurt me. If Angel screams again, they might take her.

"I think that was a threat," I murmur under my breath. I could hear Angel cry softly above me.

"We mean no harm," I tell them,"We are just passing through to get to the city. This young lady needs to seek medical attention."

They don't respond. Suddenly, the Raven turns around and whips his cape. Others follow, as they walk away.

What's more important? Informing the Empires that there are terrorist coming for us? Or for Angel to seek medical attention as soon as possible?

I rush down farther into the woods, running as fast as my legs could carry me. Angel holds on so tightly, she starts to pull some of my muscles.

"Don't worry, we will be at the east gate soon, and we will find some doctors," I promise her.



This is short BECAUSE the next part is Benn's and it is really long. (Yes, I pre write my stories.) :'D

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