Andrew - 2

241 9 1

A huge crystal chandelier hang from above, and a painting of angels were spreaded among the slanted ceiling. Glass walls covered the side of the hall with water falling behind it. 25 foot rugs with ropes beside them leads to a large white desk with roses carved into them. It was all white.

I look over to the desk to see Benn. His blonde hair was gelled up and spiked in the front. He wore a white sweater, and white skater shoes. Bennett looked over at me with his eyes wide open, and a young girl clinged on to his arm at his side.

"Andy," Hayden said from behind me,"you forgot to take all of that off..."

"It's not what I look like I swear!" I yell, at Bennett," The young girl from Black assaulted me by throwing the bowl of black paint on my face. She was executed for her crimes. Indeed that is what you heard outside."

Bennett laughed and handed me a rag from a white pot on the desk. "Don't forget to put some white paint on please."

I walk up on one of the rugs with Sam still in my arms. Dirt trailed on the bleach white carpet. I reached Benn, then handed Sam to Hayden. She stood up on the floor and held Hayden's hand. She sniffles softly.

I look down at the little girl that held Benn's arm. She half hid herself behind Benn.

"I couldn't thank you anymore Benn," I tell him.

He scratches his head with the opposite hand the girl was grasping on to. "You don't need to."

Sam walked over behind the desk. "What are you doing?" Hayden asked her, as she trailed off.

"Finishing my job," she said, wiping a tear from her face.

Hayden stares at her in curiousity. She places a box of white powder, a piture of water, and a bowl on the desk. She filled the bowl halfway with the powder, then halfway filled it with water. She mixes the mixture with her bare hands, then places a pair of white gloves on.

"Awe, it's ok Sam. I can just put it on myself," I say, trying to be generous.

"No master; I was born to serve you and the White Empire. Thank you for saving me and my brothers," she says softly.

She picks up the bowl carefully with both of her hands, and runs over to me. I kneel down on my kness, as she draws the same lines she did before. She was shaking still; she was tramatized.

After she was finished, I stood up and brushed my knees.

"Somebody needs to bring her home," I say. "Can somebody call her parents, maybe?"

"Andrew what are you thinking? Her job is to forever do this duty. It is a tradition; a one you can't break. She hasn't lived with her parents for years, and her mother is in the hospital fighting her cancer. She lives with us. She will soon be the wife of your child..." Benn reminded me.

What was I thinking? I know this. My mind doesn't seem to be functioning straightly today. Maybe it's the fact that I just saw a little girl being executed before my eyes.

"Then take her to the dorms and put her in her room. Close the gates for the rest of the day; we don't need any other visitors anyway," I command.

"Actually, we do need her," Hayden states. "Remember when I said we had a problem to attend to?"

"Yes. Of course. We have Black members here?" I ask.


"For what?"

"I'm not sure," Benn answers,"but we need Angel here to get medical attention then be on her way home. Safetly..."

"So what problem do we deal with first?" Hayden asks, placing the bowl of paint back on the desk.

I look over to Angel. Her pale face was full of life because of her bright rosey cheeks, and her golden curls fell to her shoulder. Her bright blue eyes reflected the natural light from outside.

"Hayden; bring Angel to her dorm, and seek medical attention for her. We need to bring Sam with us to the Symphony Hall for for a emergency political meeting," I command,"Benn you are coming with me."

"Yep," Bennett said. He looked down at Angel, that wouldn't let go of his arm. He picks her up in his arms;and hands her to Hayden.

"Benn we need to take the ferry to the city. Hayden you take the short cut out of the border to get to the dorm faster. You can go through the east gate," I state.

"Alright let's go," Benn says. He looks over at Angel; who was in Hayden's arms. He walks over and smiles, wiping the blood off her face from the lashes. "I'll see you later."

I grab Sam's hand and head out of the building. Benn follows me from behind. Hayden carries Angel out of the border, and ventures around the fence. Me and Benn follow a stone path that went west into the woods, but it was inside our boundaries.

"Where are we going?" Sam askes, clutching my hand harder the farther we go into the woods.

"We are going to the docks. We need to cross the lake to get the city by ferry," Benn tells her, as he moves a branch out of his way.

"Oh. That's like a boat right?"

"A public boat."

"Oh. Ew."

Benn laughs, as he throws the branch across the woods.

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