Dave - 3

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*Dave POV*

"Where the hell is Bails?!" I ask desperatly.

Brandon looks down at his feet, and scrapes the floor of the Main Hall. Ash smudges the ground. "I haven't seen her yet today. She wasn't with you this morning?"

"No. She refuses to sleep with me. She sleeps on the floor once I fall asleep. She just... doesn't like me. And it kills me every time. I love her so much. She just never understood that," I say. I pull my hood over my head so Brandon didn't need to see me cry.

"I'm so sorry. But that means that she isn't your true love. You will eventually give up on her and find someone else," he says, twitching a grin.

"NO I WON'T! I LOVE HER!" I scream, getting up from my throne.

Brandon takes a step back in fear. "Dave, you keep forcing her to love you by hurting her. Maybe if you respect her and do little things like make breakfast for her. Then maybe she will fall in love with you."

"But that is what our Empire is made by! The idea that you are born evil, but evolve to come a good person by disipline," I yell. I notice I am still standing up.

"Dave, when we talk about that; we mean evolution to a person. We believe that people are born evil and disipline makes them a stronger person. But just because she doesn't love you means she needs disipline to love you. That won't change her mind. Love is different," He says. He taps his foot on the dark hardwood.

I sit back down on my throne, and take my hood off. "You're right. I'm sorry Brandon."

There was a moment of silence between us.

"I should get home. That is probably where she is," I say to Brandon, standing up.

"I'll call the vallet," Brandon says, taking out his phone.

"No, it's fine. I'll walk."

"Dave, walking around in the city is dangerous for you. You'll have to walk through the city all the way to the countryside to get home. I'm calling the vallet to bring your car here."

"Fine, I say. "I don't feel like getting assassinated today anyways."

I stare through the windows of the car and look at the city me and my brothers before me created. The towering skyscrapers so tall, you couldn't see how far they reached up to the sky. They were all made out of shiny black or gray metals.

The sidewalks are a heavy concrete, and the people walking on them are full of fashion. The girls are all wearing black dresses or skirts. Their tops consisted of a black sleeveless blouse or a T shirt that tucked into their skirt. They usually had leather handbags to their side, and black flowers tucked into their hair. Either it was braided into it, or tucked above the ear. The shoes usually of black boots or ballet flats.

The guys were much less preppy. Some of them: that was their decision to make. The guys decide when they are young if they will be preppy and serve the Empire or if they will be an average citizen of the Empire. The ones who serve wear all black tux and bow ties. Their shoes are leather dress shoes and are expected to be shined. The other citizens are in sweatshirts and skater shoes.

Parks were full of dark shaded lamp post and granite sculptures. The pathways were made of coal, and the benches were plainly made out of dark shades of wood. People enjoyed the fresh green grasses and the black roses that wrapped around the fence of the park.

I created a world full of disipline. And this was their reward.

I leave the polluted city and drive towards the country side. I open up my car windows and see the pastures and farms where my people are growing corn. Usually they venture back into the city to sell their produce; but I just like to buy it from the farmers at their place. It's closer to home.

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