Brandon - 12

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"I'm not hungry," Bailey murmurs to me as she shoves her face into the wool sleeve of her sweater. "David fed me before we left for the Symphony hall."

I shuffle through David's refrigerator--lifting hard of pickled vegetables out of the way because I know Bailey doesn't like vinegar. "That's a lie. If you already ate two meals today, then David wouldn't have told me to feed you now."

She rolls her eyes and groans. "It was worth a shot I guess."

My forehead crinkles in confusion. "You're telling me that you aren't happy getting more food? C'mon, Bailey. There's no way that you aren't hungry," I question, retrieving a container of leftover rice and beans from the fridge shelf. I'm not sure if this food is meant for Bailey, but David did tell me that he didn't care what I fed her. Though we don't see beans a lot around here, and he would most likely be pretty pissed off to find out Bailey ate the beans that had to be shipped all across the world just to get to the Black Empire. And with that, I put the food in the microwave for Bailey.

Her face is still stuffed into her sleeve and soft little snores escape from the back of her throat. But I know that she isn't really sleeping. She's trying to avoid me, and she has a damn good reason to do just that.

Me and Bailey used to have summer flings. Between when Andrew betrayed her, and David married her; she was hiding out with me. Her and I used to hang by a riverbank on humid, buggy days. Going through countless bottles of liquor (which is illegal besides fine wine in the Black Empire), and kissing eachother even though we had that guilty pain in our chest every time we did so. At that point in time, David had already proposed to her and she was pressured by the public and the law to agree to his proposal. He never was able to spend time with her though, being the Lord of our empire and such. So he left it up to me to watch after her in the meantime and make her feel comfortable. Then that's when all of that happened. It was never real love, and we never had an emotional attachment to each other. And once Bailey got married to Dave, I decided to stop. If I didn't stop I would of been as good as dead a long time ago.

And to be perfectly honest, i'm glad I did not continue having feelings for her after we broke up. I wouldn't want to be involved in that love triangle, especially at this point in time. Things are going to get ugly between David and Andrew, and Bailey is going to be stuck in the middle of everything. They're going to steal her back and forth from each other. But their anger towards each other isn't only going to affect Bailey's well being, but also politics. Their jealousy can cause them to make aggressive actions towards each of the empires. All of the citizens in between will be affected over some stupid love triangle because the both of them can't seem to ever get the girl and just stick with her. 

I cross my arms out of frustration and inhale through my nose. "Please eat." 

She slowly lifts her head up from the table; hair dangling out of her braid. "Stop acting like you're my personal care provider or something. It actually kind of hurts my feelings; you acting like the only thing I am to you is someone you're commanded to look after." 

I try to avoid what she means by acting clueless. "What are you talking about? Bailey, I don't just look after you because I have to. I am your friend."

She rolls her eyes and stands up out of her stool. "You don't need to friend zone me Brandon. It's not very nice." Bailey begins to stomp up the stairs to her bedroom, but before she can continue, I clutch her wrist with a hard grip. Her feet stumble backwards onto the step before her because I disrupted her balance.  

"I'm not friend zoning you, Bailey. "

"Let me go. I guess it's too late now anyways; i'm married to David and i'm stuck being his wife until the damn day he dies," she growls as she rips her wrist out of my clutch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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