Andrew - 11

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"You're a huge embarrassment. Not only to us but your entire empire, Leo," he says, adding a strong emphasis on my name.

I roll my eyes; rubbing my hands together as if they are powdered in chalk."This isn't my screw up, Escamilla. You expect me to pull Hayden away by the ear like some idiot prissy? I don't fly by your expectations."

Hayden scratches the back of his kneck in a abashed manner. His eyes keep gawking at David's left hand that's noosed tightly around Caity's wrist as it turns scarlet and raw. His hands must be crackled and numb from doing this to Bailey as an everyday thing. The thought of him using that type of force towards her brings me a feeling of acrimony. I know if she were to be mine, my hands would be perfectly smooth and delicate. But the divorce of them two would only be the result of something malice...

Caity screeches at the top of her lungs and attempts to scramble out of David's grip. Her feet continuously stomps on the floor as she uses her lower body weight to try to release herself. But his strength overcomes hers. She must be flustered and cross after Taddie found her and Hayden making out inside of a stall in the men's bathroom while Angel was splashing water everywhere from the fountain outside. Her time out chair is in the corner of the theater because I couldn't think of anything better. I'll be in charge of paying all the damages they've caused.

David rubs his face with his right hand then glances up to Brandon, who is holding Bailey by her leash. "Take Bailey the hell back home. I don't care what you feed her or how much, just give her whatever you find in the fridge."

Brandon tugs the leash gently as he shoots daggers into David's eyes. Bailey looks to the floor and walks aside him as they both exit the Symphony Hall in silence. I peek beside me to see Bennett aspiring to hide his cringe. Brent seems to be doing the same, too. They both are so eager to start roaring at David to get his grimy hands off of Caity, before Hayden decides to give him his knuckles.

Hayden keeps his eyes on him grimly; reaching his hand slowly into the back pocket of his dress pants. Me and Bennett both assume where this dispute goes from here, but everyone knows it won't be executed unless I take a step forward.

My feet brings me a couple stances away from Escamilla. I am afraid that Hayden will prance out and attack before I get to speak, but it doesn't happen.  "David..What do you plan on doing with this girl?"

His eyebrow slowly raises with his crinkling forehead. "What does it matter to you, prissy?"

"It doesn't. But what does matter is my co-worker's girl. Now, if you wouldn't mind, can you please--"


Benn and Taddie's eyes both widen in unison. But Hayden's emotions keep frozen.

"She isn't in your empire, Andrew. Or Hayden's. You both have no tell of her fate, only I do. She, Caity Babcock, has committed treason in the form of sexual encounter with a member of the opposite empire.  This crime is punishable of persecution. Are you aware of that?"

"'s the same in our empire too..." I grumble, staring at the pattern in the carpet. "But will you be willing to make an exception?

He stabs me with his eyes, and I already know that the shots have been fired before he says--

"She's mine."

Before I can get a grip on what's going on, Hayden throws Caity to the ground out of his grip and slams Escamilla against the nearest colum in an aggressive and vicious way. Hayden's knuckles turn white from pinning the collar of David's leather jacket to the wall behind him. "Yours? SHE'S F*CKING MINE, ESCAMILLA! SHE BELONGS TO ME!"

Bennett lifts Caity off of the floor as a natural gentleman instinct and carries her away as she consistently punches his back and kicks his chest. She's desperate to go back and give a piece of her to David. Brent finds Angel and takes her away too out of kindness, even though he isn't really supposed to give a damn about her.

"You think she wants you back? You're a freaking idiot if you belive so, Tree," David murmurs, chuckling lowly and malice. "She's already got a guy of her own. But I think it's funny--how you thought it was that easy to get her back. Hilarious."

Hayden's facial features relax as he drops David onto the floor. David groans as he giggles through the immense pain his back is going through. "You know she's been around right? Being a journalist means bring pretty popular," he assures with a petty grin on his face. "She gets all the men she wants. Ask her yourself if you don't wish to believe me."

Hayden grits his teeth. "I will ask her, then."

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