Bennett - 5

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"Andy, how long is it gonna take to cross the lake?" Sam askes, poking Andrew's shoulder.

"Maybe about a half an hour," Andrew stated. He almost said it like a question.

"Depending on what route the ferry is going," I add," We could be waiting for an hour. Too bad we didn't ask the driver."

Sam slouched on her seat. She was bored.

"You can take a nap and we could wake you up once we arrive," Andy told her; rubbing her back as she falls drowsy.

The ferry rocked on the waves of the water, and it splashed onto the passanger in the back. People were giving Andy and me shocking stares. We were like celebrities to them. Seeing any high ranked leaders and their workers are rare; even though I see them all the time. I do work with Andrew; and we are best friends.

Andy looks down at his dry hands. The skin cracked on his fingers. In thought of that; I look at mine. My hands were stiff as well; and my knuckles were dry.

"It's getting colder out," Andy says, grooming his hands.

"Yea," I agree. I rub my hands together.

"While we are at the Symphony Hall, we should also talk about the weather this winter. Even though it is fall; we need to prepare. To many people died from the frost last year," he reminded me.

"Yea. Acacia nearly had to go to the hospital for frost bite last year. We should maybe change the Empire's uniforms for the winter. Especially the girls since they have to wear dresses and skirts all year round," I inform.

"I agree," he says.

My phone started to vibrate, as I take it out of my pocket. I look at the screen.

"Who is it?" Andy questions.

"It's Hayden," I relpy, pressing the answer button and putting the phone on my ear. "Hey. Is everything ok?"

"Yea, I'm just finding the hospital with Angel. Can you put your phone on speaker?" He asked. I could hear a soft wimper from the backround he was in.

"Hayden we are in public. If it is something important we can't put it on speaker phone for others to hear," I tell him.

"Ok. Then pass the phone to Andy," he commands. I hand the phone to Andy. He puts the phone on the side of his ear.

"What's up?" Andy asked. He paused for a few seconds and listened to what Hayden was saying. His eyes grew wide, and he fiddled with his fingers.

"Andy what's going on?" I ask him. He doesn't respond; his face was frozen in fear.

"Andy what the hell is going on?!" I ask desperatly again.

"We have a threat.... We need to bring Sam with us to the Symphony Hall. We need to get their as quickly as possible," he says. His hands were shaking violently as he handed me my phone.

"Andy, are you-" I start to say. But he cut my off.


"Andy your-"


All the passangers on the ferry stare at me and Andy in complete silence. People had their mouths wide open in surprise. Andy was speechless as he looked at all of the staring people. The disappointed.

"I- I didn't mean that-that-" Andy stutters.

"What the hell did you just do," I murmur under my breath.

Andy looks over to me with worried eyes.

"We deserve to know what is going on Andrew," A young girl said. She had to be a teenager.

"Nothing. I'm just stressed," Andy mumbles; unclear. He was lying.

"Bennett is that true?" an older man asked. His hand shook on top of his cane.

"Yes sir it is. We just got some reports of outsiders asked I think Andy just got worried. No wars. No terrorism. I promise you," I say. But I lied too.

"I hope so," he replies.

Andy's hands shakes on his lap. He tries to avoid contact with all of the citizens. He was speechless; he didn't know what to say. Saying something like that can get him kicked off the throne.

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