David - 6

181 10 5

Initiation - Dave POV

12 Months Ago

I hold her closely in my arms; a slick smile placed to my face. I was extremely joyed to have her with me. To have her love me...

Her bright neon orbs glance up to my chocolate browns, her eyes glistening from the light of the room. "Can you please... promise me something?"

I smirk, placing the blonde strand of hair behind her ear. "Bailey, I would do anything for you."

"You know when you need to pick a wife and all? Well, will you-"

"Yes. Out of these thousands of beautiful girls that I have to choose from, I intend on choosing the most gorgeous one I see. You. And I promise never to give up on you."

Her happiness practically lit up the room, as she bounces on her tip toes a bit. I laugh, scrunching up her hair from the top. Only causing her to smile more, of course. But that was exactly what I wanted to see.

"I swear Mr.Escamilla, you make me the happiest person in the Empire," she coos, her cheeks being exposed from her goofiness.

"You definetly will," I murmur. "And please call me Dave. I know it's sorta tradition but I wouldn't mind. Of course, we're close to being wedded anyways of course. Can I trust you with that privilege?" I tease.

She giggles quitly. "Of course."

"Good," I state. "Now come 'er."

Her face turns a light pinkish tone as I wrap my arms around her waist and pulled her close towards me. Her eyes couldn't seem to find any escape from mine, as I stared spacily at her lips.

"D-David n-no," she stutters. But she didn't flinch a bit. Nor did she bother to move.

Her eyes couldn't escape mine yet again.

"We can't. Not untill we are wedded," she reminds, sighing after her words; releasing her shoulders from intensity.

I bite my lip. "I really don't... care."

At first, her expression turned into an unsure pout. But then a wide smirk quickly returned to her face; dangling her arms around my neck. I quickly invited myself in, closing the space between our lips. She never left her shy smile. I know I couldn't of have waited any longer for this. My fingers running down her silky hair made it all worth it. But it all fell down--


I glance around the livingroom quicky, seeing a wide-eyed Andrew. His fist clutched to his sides causing his knuckles to turn white. Angry, yet puzzled.

"I-I-" I begin to stutter on my words.

"BREAKING YOUR OWN EMPIRE'S TRADITION?! WHEN YOU'RE THE ONE RULING?!" Andrew growls. He tool a step closer to me and Bailey, who I haven't even bothered to check her reaction to all this. I didn't want to.

"Bailey, you need to leave," he commands.

I look behind me, to see Bailey's eyes pool in anxiety and embarrassment. She takes a step towards the doorway. Waiting for me. Waiting for me to say anything at all.

But I was to ashamed of my own self.

Andy follows stiffly behind her. He was pissed. He watches her walk out of the door; tormented. Than he turns to me.

"You know Andrew... you should be more concerned about your own Empire rules and traditions rather than mine. Don't you think so?!" I growl in his face. He takes a step back, scoffing.

"I don't freaking care! I follow all of MY rules and I'm a great role model for MY Empire. You're obviously breaking some of your own rules, which starts civil wars and terrorist and-"

"Andrew, shut up," I mumble.

"Shut u-?! Fine. But, you ruin this Empire yourself, and I'll be the one who ends up ruling. And I'm sure you don't want that for yourself, and neither does your citizens. But I sure as hell would enjoy it very much," he grumbles with a sour half smile.

"Leave," I say flatly.

He chuckles, nodding teasingly and heading for the front door.

He places his hand on the handle, than turns his face halfway to me and glares to the floor. "You won't last."

I ignore his, but I could feel the muscles in my back tense in agression.

He leaves the house, leaving me to sit down and relax myself again before I lost it.


My eyes glare towards the front door. What the hell does Andrew want?!

I sigh, pushing myself out of the seat and opening the front door. Andrew had wide eyes, holding a bloody Bailey in his arms.

I grab his wrist, slowly twisting it. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO HER?!"

"NOTHING--I SWEAR OF IT!" he yelps, causing me to release his wrist from my grasp. "I JUST WALKED OUT OF YOUR DOOR AND SAW HER PASSED OUT ON THE STAIRS WITH A BLOODY HEAD!"

"Whatever. She needs help," I grumble, picking her up into my arms, having Andrew give me a fearful look. What a fake.




I sit in the hospital chair--you know, the uncomfortable ones in which you need to stand up and stretch once in a while. But when I got up to do so, I ended up pacing around the room, my eyes always locked onto her face.

I heard a slight knock on the door. Must be the doctor, so I open it for the person who is wishing to walk in the room.

"Hey," Andy murmurs, looking to the ground.

"Why are you here?! Leave me alone, Andrew!" I growl, gripping onto the door handle. I wonder how the hell he got into my empire if he wasn't here for government work. He must've lied.

"I'm here to see if she's ok," he says unclearly. He looks pale as hell--nervous and anxious.

"Why do you care?!" I grumble lowely, getting up into his face; hoping for his attention.

He glares up to my eyes. "Just because I don't like you, doesn't mean I don't have any respect for people!"

I sigh, relaxing my shoulders and nodding to him. I open the door more to make the doorway larger. "Come in."

He smiles like an idiot, walking into the room and standing by her side. He just kinda stares at her, occasionally shrugging his shoulders slightly as I observe his every move. He better not do anything freaking stupid...

Suddenly, he gasped. "SHE'S AWAKE, DAVID!"

I yank myself out of the chair, causing it to have a loud scoot across the tiled floor. "WHAT?!"

I rush over to her side, smiley widely as her eyelashes flutter at me in confusion.

Oh no.

And than the thing is--

She looks over to Andrew, smiling and placing her hand restfully on the back of his kneck.

She was the first to see him after loosing her memory.

She - she fell in love with him.

And I'm sure as hell--

He loved the thought of it.










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