Hayden - 7

121 1 0


Present Tense

I let Angel dangle her legs over my chest as she sits like the little princess she is ontop of my shoulders. She hummed to herself a bunch of little memory rhymes, that are commenly used in our empire when it is time to place the little ones to bed. This particular song she is murmuring to herself is very old, and I just keep wondering how she knows this. When I was younger, Mom didn't give a single crap about me. 'Caught up in all these illegal drugs, smoking around everyone, and never sang a single lullaby to me. But I wasn't the most favored child, either.

Once I caught sight of the building which contains Angel's dorm, I began to skip on the grass a little bit. I peer up to look at her, and by the way her eyes are flickering I can tell she is beginning to grow dizzy and maybe even unconscious from the amount of blood loss. So I sprinted faster.

Some sort of doorman is guarding the building; shoulders tense and his eyes giving me a strong glare from the corner of his eye. I stare at him back, sliding my hands up and wrapping my hand around Angel's. I approach the man, casually walling over with a casually kind of step. I mean--I should be recognizable to this man. I am the Vice Pharoah of the White Empire, and Bennett is our cabinet.

"Hello, Sir," I greet, reaching my loose hand out to shake his.

He beams at my hand with his disgusting, filmy blue eyes that belonged to this 80 year old man. Outside of his iris is a cream colored eyeball with a bunch of little scarlet cracks running along his eye. I kinda just stand here; cringing away as I wait for a hand shake but I guess I don't receive one.

"Uh, Sir, here we have Ms.Angel Grey. I belive she takes part of a residency here?" I ask, swaying awkwardly.

He blinks a few times in discontent. "Well, I believe that Ms.Grey is not accountable to live in any building owned by the Empire's government untill any further notice. I sincerely apologize."

"What that hell do you mean..." I murmur, trailing off. I grip Angel's hand tighter.

"Both empires are in a court battle for Angel's custody. She can not have a residency in either empires untill custody is taken of her," he explains, formal and calm.

"Is she at least allowed to be set up with some form of medical attention?!" I growl, grinding my teeth a bit.

"According to the Empire, she is only eligible for a charitable form of medical help. I am dearly sorry for your struggles."

"You're not freaking sorry," I mumble, looking towards the ground and beginning to slowly trail away.


I lift my head up, rolling my eyes with attitude laced with sass. "Yes?"

"There is a charity event going on for outsiders in the abandoned city outside of the gates. It is eligible only for the homeless, but I suppose Ms.Grey now is in that state, huh?" he informs me, shuffling some keys inside of his pant pocket.

I pause for a minute, my eyes growing in realization. "What about her freaking mother?! You're going to tell me her mother doesn't have the right to own any custody of her at this moment where she can live inside of her own home?!"

His filmy eyes glare towards me, causing my stomach to fall ill and nauseated inside. "Afraid so, Sir. Have a nice evening."

I twirl around again, supporting Angel's body weight on my shoulders by gripping her hand tighter.

"Nice evening my ass."




The city is really freaking busy; and I have decided to craddle Angel in my arms rather than her sitting on my shoulders becuase she didn't have the strength to hold my hand anymore. Her eyes are just sort of flicking on and off in consciousness like a office light inside that walk-in dentist on Carnes Turnpike.

Carnes Turnpike mine as well be the most homicidal street in the city of Anthem. Full of drugs, illegal guns, and ghetto little neighborhoods where you will hear screaming all the time. Me and Andrew have tried to lay out plans to better these areas, but so far no success has been made becuase the Congress won't agree. It messes with financial issues.

I mean--

The word "Carns" literally means flesh.

That's how carnivore gets it's name.

I can't talk much crap though, can I. I freaking grew up there, and my attitude and manner reflects off of that place. Yea, I dont do drugs but maybe, maybe I used to. And I will smoke a few cigarettes a day and maybe have some blunt once in a while but not the heavy stuff. I have an empire to run, and all that immature crap can't drag me down. Especially in situations like this. When you're fighting the unknown, you can't become the unknown.

A petite white pick up truck came into view once we treaded a few blocks down Carnes. It has a red decal plastered on the side, which is the symbol for Red Cross and a tent parallel of the pickup. The Red Cross can only be found in the city of Anthem, as if the charitable company needed to choose between the two empires once we split. They were in favor of Andrew, becuase of his steady Healthcare plan signed in Anthem. David, on the other hand, was struggling with national debt. So in this case, nobody in the Black Empire is able to receive free health care.

I hold Angel tighter in my arms, switching my sight towards the women who is shuffling papers under the tent. She stares at me for a couple seconds, somewhat in awe of my presence.

"Sir... How may I help you?" she questions, taking a small slow step towards me. Her shiny black flats tap against the ground as she rocks herself back and forth.

I flinch Angel a bit I'm my arms, motioning her to come over and take her into her embrace. My hands have fallen asleep from holding her weight for such a period of time, so I shake the fizzy feeling out.

The nurse examines the large cuts and scars on Angel's back, running her finger along the side of them and dragging the scarlet on her skin. "What happened to her?"

I purse my lips a bit. "Uhm, she had some conflict with a couple outsiders. They seemed to lash her."

I must keep the truth to myself, and keep it close. The people of Anthem and the White Empire must not know there is more issues with Angel. It will conclude in rebellion and countless varieties of strikes; leaving to groups of anarchy inside of the empires rather than out.

She collects a few viles of essential oils out of a tin box, opening them and applying the oils to cotton balls. "The word of those basterdly outsiders are catching about like wild fire. Do you agree?"

My eyes stare into space as she begins to sponge the oils onto Angel's lash marks."How did word catch on?"

"Hmm..I would think you would be the first person without ignorance, Tree," she tells me, giggling softly under her breath.

I trail off on my words. "Yea..May I get your name? Miss..."

She laughs a bit again, releasing her hands off the scars or Angel. "You may just call me Taylor, Sir."

"Hmm... Alright Taylor.."

"Have you seen any strange activity on the city lately?"

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