Brandon - 9

114 5 2

I stand slacklisly behind David and Bailey; bluntly annoyed by the sticky white paint on my face. It was done by this minor outside and her face looked awfully familiar. I have to find out who she is later; but right now my job is to make sure Andrew doesn't get his hands on Bailey.

"Lord Escamilla!" Bennett greets, walking in front of Andrew with his arms wide. "Welcome to the Symphony Hall."

David looks to the column besides him, chipping a piece of sheetrock out of the wall. "Not such a great welcome--with this toilet."

"Really? I think this place is grand!" Benn snaps back at him, stressing his eyes.

I see David besides me; gripping his wrist 'till they're red as they wrap around Bailey's little 'leash'. She seems to notice too, and keeps an open eye for any aggression. And with that, I have the natural instinct to throw myself in front of David's arm. "Come on, Bennett. Take a joke--he's really funny. Right, Andrew?"

Benn chuckles sarcastically underneath his breath; scratching his neck anxiously. Not even giving a small glance.

I peek my eyes behind Benn to see the pale and devastated Andrew Velasquez. He can't keep his scratchy, red eyes off of Bailey; which is really beginning to p!ss me off. If David realizes Andrew's googoo eyes at Bailey before I take action, he will get really freaking upset.

"Hey, Velasquez--what's with the red eyes? I thought we weren't getting high anymore before meetings because it is 'unprofessional'. If I knew you were at it again, I would've smoked one myself," I remark, giggling at my own words. I know he isn't actually high, but I love to make jokes out of a negative situation.

"I didn't get h-high," he says, wiping his face with the sleeve of his button-up. "Just a little exhausted."

"'Exhausted' and 'little' shouldn't be together in a sen--"

"Just shut the f*ck up and keep to yourself, Hoover," David growls, interrupting my sentence in a hawkish tone. "We have sh!t to do; and we have already wasted much of our time. Bailey is on a eating schedule, and we need to get home before ni-"

A pale and solid brunette walks in, rolling his eyes and giving a little grin towards Escamilla. "Bailey isn't a dog, David. Shouldn't treat her like this."

Davids sighs and mumbles. "It is for the good of my wife.."

Taddie doesn't hear his comments, though. He just continues to escort Caity into the hall; holding her notebooks and technology. She's wearing a long, black maxi dress and silver chains thar dangle; complimenting her metallic heeled boots. Caity groans a bit to herself: lightly handing her pocka book into Taddie's arms on top of all her other things. "Where is the powder room, Valasquez? I gotta to touch up my makeup and crap."

Andrew relieves his eyes from Bailey's face, and transfers to Caity. "Its over In the back towards the left of the water fountains."

She gives him an assuring nod than makes her way through the isle of seating.

"Good. Now may we please get our asses in these seats and start this meeting?" Dave questions, rolling his eyes and tugging on Bailey's little leash.

I can't seem to stop staring at that thing around her neck. It almost makes me dissapointed with David, after I told him how he should treat Bailey. It would be more humane to keep a tight grip on her hand, or making sure she's besides him at all times. But no. He has to treat her like a freaking animal. Don't give me wrong, David is my friend and he's the best friend anyone could get. But he has no idea how to treat a girl with respect.

"Y-Yes," Andrew stutters, taking his eyes to Bailey again. Hate is a strong word, and that's not what I feel towards Andrew. Though, he is being and wimp and it is taking way to long to start this meeting.

Bennett pats Andrew's back in a friendly manner in order to motion him towards the stairs of the theatre. David, Bailey, Taddie, Caity, and me all make our ways up the opposite staircase in order to reach the seating across the theatre from Andrew and them. There are two thrones directly seated across from each other above the orchestra stage.

Andrew and Bennett get comfotorable in their seats, and so do we. After everyone is sitting down, Andrew raises his hand slowly to pause the orchestra and it looked pretty badass to be honest. Like everything is in perfect harmanoy and order in his empire. Things roll smoothly and without protest here, according to David. But he believes it's only because the citizens have no voice.

David drapes one leg on the arm of the throne, than places his hand underneath his jaw in boredum.

"So we are here to discuss..what again?" David questions to Andrew, yawning and handing the end of Bailey's leash to me. "Whatever this stupid prank of yours is, it isn't nearly as important as Angel Grey."

I see Brent from the corner of my eye; chuckling and shifting his posture in reaction to David's carelessness. (If that's even a word).

"I'm not saying Angel Grey isn't important, but I assure you this issue is much more urgent," he pleads, gripping his hands together tightly.

"Whatever," Dave growls. "So what is it then?"

"Well, on the way to find medical attention for Angel, Mr.Tree ran into a group of outsiders whom we believe to pose a threat," Velasquez explains.

"And..? Shouldn't Hayden be the one to share with us what he saw?" Dave questions with a smug look on his face.

"Wait..where is Hayden?" Bennett asks, lightly jabbing Andrew with his elbow.

"Not sure..but he's been gone for to long for a simple clothing change."





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