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"Code black. Tell him that I am sure. And then tell him to call the bomb squad."

The OR team now including Alex and Sarah are standing outside the OR which has now only Burke, Hannah, Dr. Milton and James Carlson "Can you imagine? What she stick her hand in there for anyway?" Alex asks "She was trying to save his life" Sarah says

"And now she might die because of it" Alex states as Burke opens the door and steps outside "What do we do now?" Sarah asks looking to the older Doctor "I go back in and wait for the bomb squad. You leave. You all leave" Burke says. Most of the team starts leaving but a few stand their ground including Sarah. "Sar, you coming? *Sarah turns and gives him a look* It's your funeral" Alex says and walks off with the others.

"You need a surgical team" Sarah says "All I need is Dr. Milton to keep him under. I can do the rest myself" Burke says Sarah and 3 other people from the OR team just stand there "Fine. But you wait by the elevator. I don't want anybody in here that doesn't need to be in this OR. When the bomb squad arrives we'll take it from there. Until then Milton and I are doing this alone. Now, go" Burke says. Sarah nods and with the others walk off to stand by the elevator.

Sarah stands up against the wall trying to remain calm. 'I really should have just stayed in bed today' Sarah thinks to herself. Just then the Bomb squad enters off the elevator onto the O.R floor lead by a man. "You're the surgical team?" the man asks "Yes" Sarah says "Dylan Young, bomb squad. *to his team* All right spread out and check the area and then we'll secure the patient. *he turns back to Sarah* Where are they?" Dylan asks

"Dr. Burke has them in there" Sarah points to the OR down the hall, "Right, the rest of this floor has been evacuated?" Dylan asks "It has. Yes" Sarah says "Okay, you stay here. Nobody moves unless I say so" Dylan commands "We've got people over here" another man calls out, Sarah looks over confused."I thought you said the floor had been evacuated" Dylan says to Sarah "I thought it had. I'm not in charge or anything" Sarah says.

They start walking down to the other OR. Cristina is yelling at a bomb squad member and blocking him from entering the O.R. Sarah notices who it is and yells out "Cristina!" "Back Up!" Cristina says to the bomb squad guy "What's going on?" Cristina asks Sarah "Bomb in a body cavity." Sarah says "Man. All I got is Bailey's husband's open brain" Cristina says  "What procedure?" Sarah asks "Craniotomy with Shepherd" Cristina says 

"Shepherd's got Bailey's husband on the table?" Sarah asks. Dylan tries to say something but the two just continue talking "Bailey's having a baby!" Sarah says while crossing her arms over her chest. "Excuse me! Stop talking!" Dylan yells causing the two to stop, Cristina and Sarah give each other looks and move away from each other.

Sarah moves away from the OR and moves over to the wall to lean against it. Dylan and Burke are now in the X-ray room trying to figure how to take the bomb out. Cristina walks up to the outside of the OR with Hannah and James "Cristina! *Sarah walks up to her quickly* The bomb squad guy said you're supposed to stay away from there." Sarah says "Is it me or is she shaking?" Cristina asks looking into the OR through the window on the door. They both look in. They see Hannah shaking and squeezing the ampoule bag

"Is she squeezing that ambu bag by herself?" Sarah questions "Where is Dr. Milton?" Cristina asks They open the door slowly. Hannah is by herself and is very pale. She's also shaking very badly but still squeezing the bag. She's very nervous and teary-eyed and scared "Hannah? *Hannah looks at them* Where's the anesthesiologist?" Sarah asks "He um...he left. He didn't wanna die" Hannah says as she struggles not to cry and breathes erratically."Hannah" Sarah says calmly "I think I'm going to take my hand out now" Hannah says looking up at the two.

"Hey, somebody help! Help here!" Cristina calls out from the OR. They all sprint from the room and across the hall to the other OR. Dylan and the other bomb squad guy to leave. He and Burke enter the OR. Cristina is now pumping the ambu bag. Sarah is standing next to Hannah trying to comfort her.

" think I'm going to take it out now" Hannah says still freaking out "Ok we're almost to the finish line. You can do this" Sarah says "No, no. No, I just want to take it out and be done with it" Hannah says crying. "Hannah. It won't be much longer. Remember you're keeping him from bleeding out" Burke says "No! *gasps* I am 22 years old! I should not even be in here! This is some kind of mistake!" Hannah says extremely upset

"She's panicking. We need to clear the room" Dylan says to Burke "I'm not leaving" Sarah says "Grey, let's move!" Burke says "I'm not leaving her." Sarah says "Get everyone out now Dr. Burke" Dylan says "She's my Resident. I am responsible for her" Burke says Sarah puts her hand on Hannah's arm that is inside James. Everyone starts talking at once "No, it's gotta come out! It needs to come out!" Hannah yells "Yang, go with Dylan!" Burke yells "You go with Dylan" Cristina yells

"It's alright. Hannah, look at me" Sarah says to Hannah "NO! It's gotta come out. No, NO!" Hannah says shaking her head "Hannah, look at me. You can do this" Sarah says "Hannah, you need to calm down. You need to relax. Everything's gonna be fine" Dylan says "No!" Hannah yells still crying "Hannah. Hannah" Burke says calmly "Hannah. You can do this" Sarah says "No. It has to come out" Hannah says "No, you keep it there. Just a little while longer" Burke says

"I have to! I have to!" Hannah yells. She pulls her hand fast. Burke, Dylan and Cristina all fall to the ground with the arms above there heads. Hannah runs to the door. She opens it and leaves a bloody handprint on the wall as she runs out of the room. Sarah just stares after Hannah. The door closes slowly. Cristina stands up slowly and sees that Sarah now has her hand inside James Carlson. Burke stands up as well. "Sarah" Cristina says extremely shocked

"What did I do. Oh, god" Sarah says to herself Dylan is standing up as well. Burke moves to go up to Sarah "Just stay right where you are. Nobody move. Stay exactly where you are" Dylan says causing Sarah to take in a slow deep breath.

"What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? What did I do? *She takes a deep breath* What did I do? *Breathes again* What did I do? What did I do?" Sarah whispers repeatedly.

Dr. Sarah GreyWhere stories live. Discover now