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Half an hour had passed since we left the stables.

The sun should be setting at 6pm, the current time has to be 3. And we still have another half hour to go . But at least i'm not alone

You and Eren rode practically beside each other.
His eyes stayed focused ahead, you would catch yourself taking glimpses of him from time to time.

You were still so exhausted from last night your eyes began to shut , soon your head became flaccid; it began to sway up and down in little jerky movements.
You can't even put in the effort to keep yourself awake for seconds.
Before your entire body could go loose and cause you to fall off your horse, Eren turns to your direction and notices.

" HEY WAKE UP" with a concerned look on his face

You slowly open your eyes in confusion.
Are we there yet ?
you rub your eyes gently

" well obviously not, you fell asleep idiot"

i'm so tired how can i even work like this

" wait stop your horse right now"

huh why, is something wrong ?

"No i just have an idea, come on  get off "

You do what Eren commands.

"Okay so how about you come ride on my horse and lean on me, that way you can get as much rest as possible "

he's making it really hard for me to lose interest. It's like he knows what i want to hear, well i'm sure he'd do the same for any of his other friends.

thank you Eren, and here i thought chivalry was dead.
You both let out a short giggle.
You climb on top of Eren's horse as he lands you a hand.
back to the same old position.
Your horse follows right behind his.
there is no better feeling than this
Your eyes slowly shut as you hung on to Eren.

{ Erens POV.}
She's holding on to me so tight she might deprive me of oxygen. But i don't mind as long as she's comfortable. Man i really wish i could look at her face right now. I bet she's drooling, i'd never stop mocking her for that.
It's kind of funny, we don't talk much, but our connection flows so easily. She's kind of cute to be honest, i bet she thinks i'm still that same old asshole.
But why do i care what she thinks, i wish i had an answer to that.

Her breasts are way bigger than Mikasa's...

okay Eren stop with the perverted thoughts this is a comrade we're speaking of, we need to respect women
He smacks his forehead trying shake off the thought.

" Oh Eren" Y/n softly moans in her sleep.

Erens eyes widen as he grins, it boosts his ego.

She's one interesting girl for sure.
and she snores. now i can definitely use that against her.

{ Back to your pov}

" we're almost there wake up Y/n"

You open your eyes and realize you're still holding onto Eren.

oh my god this is really happening, i thought i was dreaming.. OH NO WHAT IF I SAID SOMETHING OUT LOUD WHILE I WAS ASLEEP.

hey did i say anything stupid while i was asleep, i tend to do that.

" No but you do snore loud

Your face turns to a slight shade of red, but you also feel relieved.

that's really embarrassing ... sorry

" don't apologize, you sound like a cute little aviator plane

shut up. You shove your face into Eren's back.

i think i'm going to combust right now. EREN said my snoring is cute.
i'm actually disappointed that he can get such reaction out of me, i'll enjoy my moment of spotlight for now. i bet he's this flirtatious with other girls anyways.
finally after 2 hours of horseback riding You both arrive at the construction site.
[You and the scouts are building a train station along with the train tracks]
Jean, Connie, Reiner and Eren , are in charge of lifting the heavier materials and operate machinery.

Armin and Commander Erwin instruct where things go, sometimes help with the lifting and machinery.
Mikasa, Ymir and Annie carry the tools and less heavier metals. They also help with the digging.
Niccolo, Sasha, Historia and you are in charge of food, cleaning and first aid in case anyone gets injured. which happens often of course when you're working with a bunch of clumsy idiots.
As you and Eren arrive, everyone's on break. All eyes are on both of you, some look puzzled, Erwin looks pissed and Mikasa looks like she wants to slaughter you out of jealousy. Her stare could split a tree in half, seriously. But for some reason you take pride in being so close to Eren, even though she's your friend her feelings seem to be one sided for all you know. Feelings are not a game of dibs. Both you and Mikasa have discussed your feelings for Eren and agreed to be happy for one another.

Well our day just got a lot longer for sure.

Erwin approaches Eren and you, then proceeds to lift one bushy eyebrow up, crossing his arms. He looks calmly infuriated.

"Sir i apologize on our tardiness, Y/n wasn't feeling too well and what else could i have done, i wasn't going to leave a friend in need of help stranded under a tree."

"Both of you will be staying after Sunset to work off the hours you didn't complete. " yelled Erwin. his spit flew everywhere.

"Yes sir." you and Yeager respond in unison

Erwin: The rest of you may leave after lunch is served, As for Yeager and  L/N , you will be staying back and doing the dishes as well as the cleaning.

Eren furrowed his eyebrows.

Ugh great, can't say i didn't expect this. Now i have more time to embarrass myself in front of him.

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