13~ another side

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Sasha attempts to style your hair into an elegant style. 
" you're about to pull my head off Sasha. "
You grit your teeth as Sasha continuously pulls your hair with the brush.

" MY EYES THEY BURN" you hear a familiar voice echo into the room accompanied by other footsteps.

" You must be projecting huh " yelled Sasha.

" Hey relax! i'm kidding. You both look good..
But my beautiful date REINER looks even better." Connie raised an eyebrow and draped his arm around Reiner, who looked miserable and bitter.

" piss off Connie." Reiner flicked Connie's arm off.
" um where's Historia.. and Ymir. She lives here doesn't she? I mean.. they live here..?"

" Reiner it's been years, move on. Desperation is a turn off" Sasha mumbled while picking at bread crumbs on the nightstand.

" Yeah Reiner,  she swings the other way clearly. Give it a rest." Connie poked fun at him as he laughed along.

" oh shut up, the both of you. I'm going to the bathroom. " Reiner stormed out the room with an annoyed expression.

" everyone's already making their way to the castle, you women take forever." Connie crossed his arms staring out the window.

" Maybe if you spent a while longer you would look more appealing." responded Sasha as she finished putting your necklace on from behind.

She paused afterwards staring at your reflection in the mirror with adoration.
" Y/n.. you look so stunning Eren wil-"

Ymir yelled from the room across; interrupting Sasha.

The house went silent for a few seconds, till Connie and Sasha broke out in laughter, you laughed with them. 

" let's go ladies, you all look beautiful. Especially Reiner." Ymir waltzed in confidently, Historia peeked behind Ymir.

Ymir dressed in a more charming masculine attire. After all she said cant stand having no pockets. Historia held on to her arm as they walked out first.

" Let's go honey"
Connie smacked Reiner's back grabbing his hand and running ahead. Reiner just accepted defeat letting himself get swept by him.

Eren must be waiting for me  there.. since he didn't swing by to see me. He must be helping out with the others or something. He can be so unpredictable i don't know anymore.

Everybody boarded the carriages.
Sasha, Connie, and you boarded the same one.
You have never laughed harder with anyone else other than those two.  You pleaded them to stop because your stomach hurt.

I haven't thought about Eren much this entire carriage ride but now that i'm approaching the castle... i don't feel at ease.

Connie and Sasha notice why your expression grows worried. But they don't dare bring up the topic. They're not too good at comforting others after all.

Luckily the few silent minutes left on the carriage go by quickly.

You appreciate the garden and architecture of the castle.
" We've visited the castle before but tonight the decorations have given it more life than i imagined."

There's no response, however the noise of subtle snores are heard.

" how can they fall asleep on such a bumpy road?" You quietly mutter to yourself and chuckle.


As soon as you stepped foot off the carriage an overwhelming feeling of insecurity hits you.

Am i meeting his expectations? I should be my most beautiful self tonight; or so i'd wish to think. I guess it's fine since he seems to like me better with my clothes off.

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